-15% Our Price
Gut Bundle - Protocol #1 Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic Gut Healing Bundle - Protocol #1 Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic
Gut Bundle - Protocol #1 $292.48 $342.48
Our Gut Bundle - Protocol #1 is for those with a history of cancer or glutamate issues. You will receive all 5 products, giving you a 10% savings had you purchased them separately! Below are manufacturer's suggested dosages:  HCL Xym  Clear SBI Pro SunSpectrum  ButyrEn  Clear Pro 100  NOTE: This product is a special-order product for Dr. Conners members only and NOT available to the public. NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This and any product(s) discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
-10% Our Price
Parasite Protocol Bundle Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic Parasite Cleanse Protocol Bundle Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic
Parasite Protocol Bundle $180.00 $200.00
NOTE: All of the below statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This and any product(s) discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. With our Parasite Protocol Bundle, you will receive all 4 products, giving you a 10% savings had you purchased them separately! Our Parasite Protocol Per manufacturer recommendation: Take HCLXym - 1 per meal Take SBIProtect/Clear SBI Pro - 2 scoops per day in a divided dose Take Pro Vermifuge/Para Clear - 2 capsules, three times per day in divided doses Take Paratosin - 2 capsules, three times per day in divided doses We all carry around millions of friends, bacteria, viruses, and yeasts; parasites, working together in perfect harmony to aid digestion, defensive protection, nutrient absorption, enzyme activity, and no doubt, dozens of yet unknown symbiotic relationships that keep us alive. We call these 'colonies' of friends flora or Microbiota. Though they aid in our immune responses, it is the role of our immune system to keep proper balance so there doesn't rise up a revolution. Again, it's all about balance. Should one colony reproduce more rapidly than an opposing colony - we have a rebellion needing to be squashed by an immune response.  Balance This internal balance is matched by the external balance. We are at one with both environments. Night, and more specifically sleep - deep sleep, is our greatest ally in keeping our internal environment in balance. Every morning (assuming the victory occurred in the previous hours) your immune system's internal balance has 'set' the day's picture: from your ability to fight disease, get pregnant, have balanced thought and memory, maintain metabolic homeostasis, and 'win'. We were created to live in community, not just with other humans but with other living organisms in the microcosm we call our body. When parasites get out-of-balance, through over-exposure from consuming water or food that has been contaminated, from our pets, or even from each other, we need to treat. Traveling abroad can also expose you to tropical parasites, and, depending on what parasite you have and what body system it affects, symptoms of parasitic infections can include the following: stomach pain and/or cramps nausea and/or vomiting weight loss fever gas / diarrhea constipation / upset stomach flu-like symptoms swollen lymph nodes aches and pains itching redness / irritation NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 
-13% Our Price
Decrease My Inflammation Bundle Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic Decrease My Inflammation Bundle  - Protocol #1 Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic
Decrease My Inflammation Bundle $298.90 $343.40
With our Decrease My Inflammation Bundle  - Protocol #1, you will receive all 4 products, giving you a 10% savings had you purchased them separately! Inflammation Protocol #1: Take Clear SBI Protect in water or juice Take ButyrEn tablets  Take Ortho Biotic 100 / Clear Pro 100  Take Clear Inflam  NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  We also suggest that you clean-up your diet and begin a gentle exercise program. And, as always, make sure you schedule time to speak with us or your doctor.
-17% Our Price
Bone Support Bundle - 4 products total Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic Bone Building Bundle - 4 products total Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic
Bone Support Bundle - 4 products total $211.20 $253.20
Healing Your BONES Protecting and re-mineralizing one's bones is essential to overall health. In the "old days", doctors simply had a discussion about calcium, however, new research reveals that increasing calcium does little for bone health and actually increases cardiovascular calcification and the incidence of myocardial infarctions (heart attacks). Clearly, there are CAUSES of bone loss that need to be addressed (cancer, inflammation, autoimmune conditions, etc.) but our BONE HEALTH PROTOCOL is a great starting point for those with osteopenia and/or osteoporosis. What you get in this bundle: With our Bone Bundle, you will receive all 4 products, giving you a 10% savings had you purchased them separately! Supplements Recommended to TAKE that may help decrease inflammation at the BONE: Teavigo (US Enzymes) SulforaXym (US Enzymes) Vitamin D3 as ADK Evail (Designs for Health)  Osteo-K  With our Bone Bundle, you will receive all 4 products, giving you a 10% savings had you purchased them separately!   NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This and any product(s) discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  
-11% Our Price
Blood Pressure Protocol Bundle Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic Blood Pressure Protocol Bundle Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic
Blood Pressure Protocol Bundle $235.00 $262.49
A Natural Protocol Supplements included in this bundle: Teavigo (US Enzymes)  Clear Circulation (Conners Clinic)  Arterosil Nova Complete  NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 
-11% Our Price
Healthy Child Immune Bundle Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic Healthy Child Immune System Bundle Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic
Healthy Child Immune Bundle $104.51 $116.13
NOTE: This product is a special-order product for Dr. Conners members only and NOT available to the public. NOTE: All of the below statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This and any product(s) discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Our NEW Healthy Child Immune Bundle With our Healthy Child Immune System Bundle, you will receive all 3 products, giving you a 10% savings had you purchased them separately!  Grab our Healthy Adult Bundle as well! Protecting your children from colds and flu and other infectious diseases is always a goal for parents. Our Healthy Kids Immune Protocol is geared at boosting our little one’s defenses against a toxic environment. Below are some generally accepted “helps” and some more specific aids: Stay away from processed foods – foods with more chemicals may be much more difficult to process, may stimulate an inflammatory response in the GUT, and may create toxins that the liver needs to handle. Food should be defined (as per quality) and consumed as “the closer to the way it was created”, meaning, the more processed it is, the less healthy it is. Get outside and play – yes, playing in the dirt may be good for one’s immune system. This type of bacterial ‘inoculation’ may help build one’s microbiota and fend against infections.  Supplements to consider for children: Probiommune  lozenges by DFH – great-tasting, orange-flavored formula combines the Immuno-LP20™ strain of Lactobacillus plantarum and Wellmune® (beta-glucan from the yeast organism, Saccharomyces cerevisiae) to support the body’s immune response.  Elderberry PLUS from Host Defense – great tasting immune support with elderberry and a blend on immune boosting mushrooms - ages 1-3 – use 1/2 teaspoon per day. Ages 4 – up use 1-2 teaspoons per day. Greens First powdered drink mix for a good multiple vitamin/nutritional support. It is the best whole-food nutrition there is!  NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 
-13% Our Price
Gut Bundle - Protocol #2 Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic Gut Healing Bundle - Protocol #2 Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic
Gut Bundle - Protocol #2 $288.00 $328.00
Our Gut Bundle - Protocol #2 is for those with NO history of cancer or glutamate issues. You will receive all 5 products, giving you a 10% savings had you purchased them separately! Below are manufacturer's recommended dosages:  HCL Xym – take 1 with each meal Clear SBI Pro – take 1 scoop each morning/ 1 each evening Clear GI – take 1 scoop each morning ButyrEn – take 1 with each meal Clear Pro 100 – wait 2-4 weeks and start taking 1/day Our Gut Protocol Our GUT protocol is separated into several categories depending on the person’s issues. There are some nutrients that are indicated/contraindicated based on genetics and conditions. All people, whether currently struggling with symptoms or not, should be considered to need support for the liver and GUT due to current environmental exposures to GMO foods, additives, flavorings, preservatives, pesticides, etc. There simply is no way for any human not to be exposed to GUT damaging chemicals. Protocol #1 is for those who may have GUT symptoms or simply want to support general health and, DO have CANCER or any history of cancer, OR have a family history of cancer, OR have issues with generalized anxiety, OR have genetic variants in BHMT-08, CBS C699T, GAD1, or GLS genes that may increase the patient’s level of glutamates – Do NOT use any product with L-Glutamine - use our PROTOCOL #1! Protocol #2 is for those who do NOT have any of the above concerns. Infections and toxins present in the intestinal tract lead to inflammation which leads to GUT cell damage which leads to inflammation which cycles back to more damage. The story gets even worse; numerous studies also indicate that inflammation in the GUT equates to systemic inflammation, particularly inflammation in the brain.  And so, the vicious cycle of ill-health, if not stopped, is a major cause of morbidity. Secretory IgA, the principal weapon in the GUT protecting us from pathogens and toxins is important in mucosal defense. In a recent issue of Cell Host & Microbe, Kamada et al. (2015) [efn_note]N. Kamada, K. Sakamoto, S.-U. Seo, M.Y. Zeng, Y.-G. Kim, M. Cascalho, B.A. Vallance, J.L. Puente, G. Núñez Cell Host Microbe, 17 (2015), pp. 617-627[/efn_note] show that IgG antibodies are produced in the presence of a toxin or pathogen to help bind to bacteria at the GUT wall. Infections of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrheal disease, increased food sensitivities, and other symptoms of "Leaky GUT" remain some of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the world, yet antibiotic treatment is often not effective or can even exacerbate disease! It is becoming increasingly clear that the normal microbiota (the "healthy, good" bacteria living in the GUT) has a myriad of physiological functions. One might say that an individual's overall health may be measured by one's health of their microbiota. We really do live and die largely by the health of our inner bacteria. So, defending against and eradicating all bacteria would be not only futile, but most probably detrimental. Instead, the mucosal immune system needs to find the proverbial needles-in-the-haystack and direct its defenses against those needles (i.e., enteric pathogens) without burning up the haystack (i.e., the microbiota) or ruining the farm (i.e., the intestinal tract). Secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) is the predominant immunoglobulin isotype present in mucosal surfaces.[efn_note]Secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) is the most abundant immunoglobulin in breast milk, accounting for more than 90% of immunoglobulins and up to 25% of total protein content. It's role is to protect - it is the police force of the GUT. These immunoglobulins "gobble-up" the bad guys with a ferocious appetite. They are our natural protectors. The problem arises when our natural defenses are blocked. Antibiotic and other drug use can hinder the secretion of IgA as can the vicious inflammatory cycles described above. A decease in IgA production as well as a decrease in beneficial bacteria numbers and types (our microbiota) leads to increased overall inflammation and decreased overall health. The Vicious Cycle in Summary Everyday toxic and/or viral, bacterial, fungal exposure, and/or increase medication use leads to... Increased GUT inflammation, leads to... Injury to GUT cells, leads to... Decreased IgA (our natural defense) secretion, leads to... Increased GUT inflammation, leads to... Injury to GUT cells, leads to... Decreased IgA (our natural defense) secretion, leads to... And so on, and so on... What to Do? Immunoglobulins attache to microbes and toxins to keep them from damaging the walls of our GUT. Adding supplemental immunoglobulins can be a nutritional solution to healing out the natural mechanisms of protection. We recommend the only dairy-free, high-concentration IgG immunoglobulin available to many of our patients. Taking it daily, or even 3-5 days per week can be a wonderful way to give your GUT a boost! We also recommend adding a butyrate product to your protocol. Butyric acid is the number one fuel for your cells of the large intestine and feeding them is essential to helping them heal. Our ButyrEn or our Enterovite products do just that. We also recommend a good digestive enzyme, often with HCL. NOTE: This product is a special-order product for Dr. Conners members only and NOT available to the public. NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This and any product(s) discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
-21% Our Price
Holiday Allergy Bundle Conners Clinic - Conners Clinic Holiday Allergy Bundle Conners Clinic - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic
Holiday Allergy Bundle $144.79 $180.99
Great Stocking Stuffer at 20% Holiday Savings! What you receive: 1. One Bottle of our Clear Histamine Scavenger 2. One Bottle of our Clear Hist 3. One Box of our Hista Clear DAO Enzyme Descriptions: Clear Histamine Scavenger When you’re choosing to decrease the levels of histamine in your diet, it’s just that: decreasing. It is simply impossible (and actually unnecessary) to try to eliminate histamines. They’re everywhere. However what you can do, and should focus on, is reducing your intake of high histamine foods along with combining foods that are low in histamine with other foods can help break down and clear histamine from the body. Use this list to help lower your histamine load. Using products like our Histamine Scavenger can greatly reduce one's symptoms of excess histamine. This is one of our BEST selling products with the number of people RE-purchasing at the highest - meaning...it WORKS! Ingredients: Larch Tree Fiber Pine Bark Extract Aloe Vera Leaf Quercetin Bromelain Nettle Leaf Marshmallow Root Bitter Orange Licorice Sugar free, salt free, starch free, preservative free, no artificial colors or flavors or additives, wheat free, soy free, yeast free, no milk derivatives Potential Benefits: Supports normal histamine levels Reduce inflammatory responses to non-allergen exposures Can help the body repair leaky gut, or prevent its onset Supports ABP1 & HNMT gene pathways Natural Clear Hist  *** Natural Clear Hist is now called Clear Hist*** Conners Clinic Originals Natural Clear Hist / Clear Hist  is a targeted blend of flavonoids, antioxidants, proteolytic enzymes and botanicals designed to provide comprehensive support for seasonal challenges caused by common environmental allergens. The formula includes quercetin, bromelain, stinging nettles leaf, and N-acetyl cysteine. The powerful combination actively promotes healthy nasal and sinus passages for individuals with elevated histamine and respiratory irritation. INGREDIENTS Vitamin C Quercetin Dihydrate Stinging Nettle Bromelain N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine Hista Clear DAO Enzyme Conners Clinic Originals Hista Clear is a patented enzyme formula containing diamine oxidase (DAO) - the main enzyme responsible for the degradation of ingested histamine.  This enzyme has been clinically tested and found to break down food-derived histamine in the digestive tract.   Our bodies are complex, and there is usually more at play than we think. What most don’t take into consideration when addressing histamine-related health issues is genetics. Whether you’re on a low histamine diet due to histamine intolerance, or simply trying to reduce high histamine foods for general health, you will benefit from understanding how your genes are related. Learn more about histamine and genetics here! Our body has two distinct methods of clearing things that could bring it harm: our immune system kills living toxins (bacteria, virus, parasites…) and our detoxification pathways clear non-living toxins (chemicals, heavy metals, drugs…). We have one other system that sits somewhere in the middle between the immune and the detoxification systems that helps with both: the mast cells. Read more about Histamine’s Double-edge Sword in the Formation and Progression of Cancer. Ingredients: Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Diamine Oxidase (DAO) NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
-15% Our Price
Specific Detox Bundle - 6 products Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic Specific Detox Bundle - 6 products Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic
Specific Detox Bundle - 6 products $292.36 $343.95
NOTE: All of the below statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This and any product(s) discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Our "Specific Detox Bundle" was created to help detoxify those who have received a "specific" injection AND for those who are physically near those who have. See our Blog post on this product bundle HERE Designed to: help the body rid itself of damaging oxidative elements through chelation (Chela Clear) assist in the prevention of blood clots and clot formation (LumbroXym) assist in natural blood thinning and infection (Allicidin) supply all the viral-fighting nutrients recommended (Clear CV) support vascular health (NattoXym) help bind biotoxins to help them exit the body (BioToxin Binder) Recommended Dosage: 1. Chela Clear – take 1 capsule, twice per day with or without food 2. LumbroXym – take 1 capsule, twice per day on relatively empty stomach 3. Allicidin – take 1 capsule, twice per day with or without food 4. Clear CV – take 1 capsule, three times per day with or without food 5. NattoXym – take 1 capsule per day with the LumbroXym’s morning dose 6. BioToxin Binder – take 1 capsule, three times per day with or without food   NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. What you receive in this bundle: You receive one bottle each of the above products. You are receiving a 10% discount over purchasing these products individually. Other things to consider: B. If you are experiencing a rash, itchiness, or skin issues, consider adding: Natural Clear Hist – take 1-2 capsule(s), three times per day with or without food SunBalance – take 1 capsule, three times per day with or without food C. If you are experiencing memory issues,, headaches, or other head/neck/brain issues, consider adding: AI – take 2-3 capsules, three times per day with or without food Membrin – take 1 capsule per day with or without food D. If you are experiencing severe respiratory symptoms, consider adding: Pneumo-Zyme – take 1-2 capsules, three times per day with or without food PneumoVen – take 1-2 capsules, three times per day with or without food E. If you feel you are experiencing Covid longhauler’s disorder, consider adding: Ursolic Acid – take 1-2 capsules, three times per day with or without food Vira Clear – take 1-2 capsules, three times per day with or without food F. For other concerns, consider adding: Pine Needle Tea for all exposed to the vaccine  Defusing Pine and/or Spruce Oil in your home Higher doses of Vitamin C as a Liposomal C – take three teaspoons split through the day Higher doses of Quercetin – take 1-2 capsules, three times per day with or without food For greater Liver and detox support, consider: Phase 2.5 – take 1-2 capsules, three times per day with or without food Liver ND – take 1-3 teaspoons per day split throughout the day Metal-X Synergy – take 1-2 capsules, three times per day with or without food Different GUT binders and chelators like: Pectasol C – modified citrus pectin – take 1-3 scoops per day dissolved in orange juice or a smoothie Ultra Binder – take 1 teaspoon per day dissolved in orange juice or a smoothie G. If you are having other issues not mentioned, or you would simply like to speak with one of our practitioners, please call our clinic at 651-739-1248 or visit this page.
-20% Our Price
Healthy Holiday Bundle Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic Healthy Holiday Bundle Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic
Healthy Holiday Bundle $102.40 $128.00
Great Stocking Stuffer at 20% Holiday Savings! Our Healthy Holiday Bundle: You Receive: 1. One Bottle of Clear CV 2. One Bottle of Biocidin Throat Spray 3. One Bottle of Clear Immuno Plus Description: Clear CV Clear CV is a balanced blend of flavonoids and crucial vitamins and minerals that provide safe, long-term immune support for all populations without overstimulating the immune system. Clear CV is a targeted blend of nutrients designed to provide a broad-spectrum support to the body’s immune reserves. The formula includes quercetin, a powerful bioflavonoid that aids in supporting the immune system. Vitamin C and N-acetyl cysteine are potent antioxidants that promote respiratory function and support the function of quercetin. Vitamin D and zinc are important micronutrients needed to create a robust immune reserve. This powerful combination works to promote healthy respiratory and immune function. Vitamin D3 It has been shown that low vitamin D levels have immunologic implications with a significant decrease in immune function, affecting respiratory health.11,12,17 This is most likely because the vitamin D receptor is expressed by several immune cells including monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, B and T cells.18 Supplementation with vitamin D has been shown to modulate NK cell activity to promote a healthy innate immune response.15,19 Along with these immune-supporting benefits, vitamin D has also been shown to support the respiratory system and epithelial tight junction integrity.15,19,20,21 Zinc Zinc is essential for maintaining immune system integrity and healthy immune development.12,13,14 Supplementation with zinc supports key immune functions such as natural killer cell activity and phagocytosis by macrophages and neutrophils.15 Furthermore, studies show that zinc can directly support the body during immune system challenges and can help support healthy respiratory function.15,16 Vitamin C Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that has been studied for many years for its immune-supporting effects. Through its antioxidant functions, vitamin C has been shown to protect important immune cells from oxidative damage.5 Data shows vitamin C is heavily concentrated in macrophages, supports lymphocyte activity, modulates cytokine release, improves endothelial function, restores mitochondrial function, and can directly support a challenged immune system.3 Of particular interest, vitamin C has been shown to recycle oxidized quercetin back to its parent compound, which supports a robust immune response while increasing the efficacy of quercetin.3,6 Quercetin Quercetin is best known for its antioxidant activity in scavenging free radicals. Additionally, quercetin helps balance the level of cytokines and improve T-lymphocyte balance. Several mechanism studies highlight quercetin’s ability to provide immune system support while also stimulating the ciliary beat frequency of the nasal epithelium, aiding the excretion of respiratory mucus.1,2,3 Quercetin has been shown to block the mechanisms by which microbes enter the host cells and replicate within the body.3 Additionally, a human clinical trial found quercetin supplementation supported healthy respiratory function following a stressor (i.e., intense bout of exercise), compared to placebo.4 N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) NAC is the precursor of the master antioxidant, glutathione. NAC has been shown to support mucus clearance and normal respiratory function, through its ability to cleave disulfide bonds in mucus.7,8 NAC is found to raise glutathione levels, which is important to protect the biologic activity and safe metabolism of quercetin.3,9 Along with protecting the activity of quercetin, NAC supports all detoxification pathways and helps maintain immune balance by supporting glutathione levels.10,11 Directions 2 capsules per day or as recommended by your health care professional. Biocidin Throat Spray  Biocidin® Throat Spray brings all the effectiveness of Biocidin®. 40% Biocidin® liquid and 60% alcohol (potato).  Clinical Applications Broad spectrum support against harmful organisms* Supports healthy respiration and is beneficial for seasonal wellness* Supports healthy immune function Suggested Use Spray 1-3 times in mouth towards back of throat (and swallow) as needed or as directed by your healthcare professional. Warning Do not use during pregnancy. Consult your physician before using any supplement, especially if you are nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking medication. Discontinue use should adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children. Clear Immuno Plus Conners Clinic Originals Clear Immuno Plus is an herbal formula that is designed to support healthy immune system function during cold and flu season. It contains herbs that support normal natural killer (NK) cell activity and the balance of cytokines, which are the regulatory proteins released by immune cells as part of a normal immune system response.  The standardized herbs in this formula contain optimal and consistent amounts of the most active ingredients. Clear Immuno Plus is suitable for long term use and for all age groups. Ingredients: Echinacea Green Tea Extract Astragalus Extract Elderberry Andrographis Arabinogalactan Lauric Acid Cordyceps mushroom Shiitake mushroom Maitake mushroom Beta 1, 3 Glucan Directions: Take 2-3 per day or follow recommendations from your practitioner  NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
-14% Our Price
Toxin Testing Lab BUNDLE Conners Clinic Lab Test Kit - Conners Clinic Toxin Testing Lab BUNDLE Conners Clinic Lab Test Kit - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic Labs
Toxin Testing Lab BUNDLE $974.00 $1,124.00
Please note: you MUST be a course member or full member of ours to order labs!! Get our 4 most popular toxin testing labs BUNDLED at a $150 savings! You get all FOUR Great Plains Labs test kits - all done in the comfort of your home: 1. MycoTOX Profile - Mycotoxins (toxins from mold) are some of the most prevalent toxins in the environment. Mycotoxins are metabolites produced by fungi like mold, which can infest buildings, vehicles, and foodstuffs. This is a Urinary test. 2. Glyphosate Test - Glyphosate is the world’s most widely produced herbicide and is the primary toxic chemical in Roundup™, as well as in many other herbicides. This is a Urinary test. 3. GPL-TOX - Every day, we are exposed to hundreds of toxic chemicals through products like pharmaceuticals, pesticides, packaged foods, household products, and environmental pollution. This is a Urinary test. 4. Heavy Metal Hair Test -Heavy metals toxicity caused by increasing levels of pollution and use of chemicals in industry is a growing threat to our health and development of our children. High levels of toxic metals deposited in body tissues and subsequently in the brain, may cause significant developmental and neurological damage. PLUS: You'll receive our OWN, Conners Clinic ACTION STEPS report with specific recommendations based on all your results - emailed to you along with your Lab Results

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