Phase 2 - 60 Caps Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic Phase 2 - 60 Caps Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic
Phase 2 - 60 Caps $56.00
Ingredients Quercitin Pomegranite Astaxanthin Soy free, yeast free, dairy free, sugar free, gluten free, no artificial colors or flavors, preservative free. Potential Benefits Supports PON1 gene pathways Assists the liver in its ability to remove toxins from the body Description Phase 2 - PON1 Assist is a combo product created to help support people with defects in the PON1 detoxification genes. These genes are responsible for assisting your body to get rid of large chemicals such as pesticides, insecticides, vaccinations, some medications, as well as free radicals. Mutations of the PON1 gene inhibit enzyme efficiency and are believed to create an increased risk for athero- sclerosis and other coronary implications. Paraoxonase 1, also known as PON1, is a critical enzyme located on high density lipoproteins and is responsible for hydrolyzing organo-phosphates and insecticides; therefore, the PON1 enzyme directly regulates the ability to secrete these chemicals following an environmental exposure. Organophosphates, the active ingredient found in herbicides, is known to disrupt the digestive tract and act as a neurotoxin. Symptoms of toxic levels of organophosphates include, but are not limited to, headaches, diarrhea, restlessness, convulsions, labored breathing, weakness, frequent urination, and nausea. Due to its location, the PON1 enzyme protects HDL’s against peroxidation that is implemented through contact with low density lipoproteins The ability to support the PON1 enzyme, through the supplementation of natural cofactors, has been revolutionized with PON1 Assist. Individuals with the PON1 variant should be advised to supplement with PON1 Assist for long term health support. Also consider using “Addex” Homeopathic formula if there has been exposure to insecticides and pesticides. NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.    Genetic supplementation is complex and requires a deep understanding of the entire genetic picture.  Our Genetics Membership includes the kit, a full workup, review, report, summary, Dr. Conners’ personalized recommendations - and MORE.  Click HERE for details.   Free Download - The 7 Phases of Detox Videos Pon1
-24% Our Price
Hista Clear - DAO Enzyme Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic Hista Clear - DAO Enzyme Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic
Hista Clear - DAO Enzyme $64.00 $84.00
NEW: Now in NEW packaging Conners Clinic Originals Hista Clear is a patented enzyme formula containing diamine oxidase (DAO) - the main enzyme responsible for the degradation of ingested histamine.  This enzyme has been clinically tested and found to break down food-derived histamine in the digestive tract.   Our bodies are complex, and there is usually more at play than we think. What most don’t take into consideration when addressing histamine-related health issues is genetics. Whether you’re on a low histamine diet due to histamine intolerance, or simply trying to reduce high histamine foods for general health, you will benefit from understanding how your genes are related. Learn more about histamine and genetics here! Our body has two distinct methods of clearing things that could bring it harm: our immune system kills living toxins (bacteria, virus, parasites…) and our detoxification pathways clear non-living toxins (chemicals, heavy metals, drugs…). We have one other system that sits somewhere in the middle between the immune and the detoxification systems that helps with both: the mast cells. Read more about Histamine’s Double-edge Sword in the Formation and Progression of Cancer.   Clinical Applications Supports Healthy Degradation of Food-Derived Histamine* Enhances the Presence of Diamine Oxidase in the Digestive Tract* Description: Hista Clear provides a concentrated source of diamine oxidase (DAO)—the main enzyme responsible for the degradation of ingested histamine. This formula delivers the clinically researched dose of DAO in an easy-to-swallow, gastro-resistant mini-tablet, which is essential for releasing DAO in the small intestine, where it breaks down food-derived histamine. HistDAO does not manage or address antibody-related or IgE-related food allergies.* Discussion: Histamine is a bioactive or “vasoactive” amine produced in the body in response to an injury or foreign substance. It has an array of physiological effects, including increasing blood supply to specific sites in the body. In addition, histamine is involved in the immune response, regulation of gastric acid, permeability of blood vessels, contraction of muscles, and the normal response to inflammation.[1] The highest concentrations of histamine in the body are found in the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and skin, with lesser amounts in the brain and heart.* Histamine is not only produced in the body but is also present in many fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, sausage, cheese, yogurt, and alcoholic beverages. Tuna, olives, spinach, eggplant, avocados, tomatoes, cherries, and citrus fruits are other histamine-containing foods. Despite their absence of histamine, some foods, such as berries, tea, and a variety of spices, stimulate the endogenous production of the amine due to their benzoate content. In addition, microbial fermentation can convert the histidine in high-protein foods to histamine so that the histamine content of food can increase over time.*[1] Endogenous and exogenous histamine must be broken down in order to maintain homeostasis and histamine balance. The enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO) degrades histamine by converting it from 2-(4-imidazolyl)- ethylamine to the inactive metabolite imidazole acetaldehyde.[2] The active ingredient in HistaClear is porcine-derived diamine oxidase, and research suggests that DAO derived from porcine kidney appears to have identical action to DAO derived from porcine intestine.[3] In humans and other mammals, DAO is found in high concentrations in the gastrointestinal mucosa. Animal studies suggest that circulating DAO may be a marker for mucosal integrity and maturity.[4] Certain drugs may affect histamine balance in the body by promoting histamine release or inhibiting DAO.*[2] Histamine tolerance may not be the same for everyone. Results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study suggest that tolerance to histamine can vary from individual to individual.[5] Total body histamine load must be considered when evaluating histamine tolerance, and a balance between histamine and DAO appears to be crucial to maintaining skin, rhinoconjunctival, and gastrointestinal health.[2,6] Genetic and environmental factors may interact to influence DAO expression. Ongoing research addresses the role that genetic variations may play in individual differences in DAO metabolism, and serum activity was significantly associated with seven single nucleotide variations within the DAO gene.[7,8] Histamine tolerance may be reflected in detailed questionnaires, food intake logs, trial with low-histamine diet, and measurement of DAO and histamine.*[9,10] Histamine tolerance and its manifestation may vary from organ to organ as well. A study of 39 patients suggested that intake of DAO produced a statistically significant reduction in symptoms associated with exogenous histamine ingestion, although single symptoms were not found to be reproducible.*[11] Ultimately, diminished serum DAO levels appear to be associated with changes in histamine degradation and serum histamine levels.[10] Although the mechanism of histamine degradation is uniform throughout the body, HistaClear only addresses excess exogenous histamine found in the folds, villi, and microvilli of the small intestine. HistaClear is not absorbed and therefore does not have systemic activity. A two-capsule dose of HistaClear contains 20 mg of vitamin C and 20,000 HDU (histamine degrading units) from diamine oxidase. HistaClear is NOT EFFECTIVE for symptoms of immune- related food allergies, such as peanuts, shellfish, etc.* Read our article: Low Histamine Diet: The High Histamine Foods List Genetic supplementation is complex and requires a deep understanding of the entire genetic picture.  Our Genetics Membership includes the kit, a full workup, review, report, summary, Dr. Conners’ personalized recommendations - and MORE.  Click HERE for details. Video: Directions: Take 1-2 capsules no more than 15 minutes before the consumption of histamine-rich foods, or take as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Cautions: Consult your healthcare practitioner before use, especially if you are pregnant or nursing. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid if allergic to pork or any other ingredient. HistaClear is NOT EFFECTIVE for symptoms of immune- related food allergies, such as peanuts, shellfish, etc. Your browser does not support the video tag.
Dysbiocide - 120 Capsules Biotics Research Supplement - Conners Clinic Dysbiocide - 120 Capsules Biotics Research Supplement - Conners Clinic
Biotics Research
Dysbiocide - 120 Capsules. * $35.50
Why you may need Dysbiocide: Dysbiosis has historically been defined as an imbalance of gastrointestinal microflora, indicating an increase in abnormal flora with a coinciding decrease in normal flora, and an increase in pathogenic organisms and yeast in the lower bowel.The definition has since evolved to what Dr.Alex Vasquez describes generally as“A relationship of non-acute, non-infectious host microorganisms interactions that adversely affects the human host.” There are numerous correlations including poor diet, physical and/or psychological stress, and overuse of antibiotics to name a few. For instance, psychological stress has been demonstrated to decrease the level of secretory IgA, resulting in decreased mucosal immunity. Why we recommend Dysbiocide: Selected botanicals are well recognized in promoting the health of damaged intestinal tissue resulting predominately from dysbiosis. For example, the active principals of Stemona sessilifolia root exert antifungal and antibacterial properties. Artimisia absinthium, whose properties are at least partially attributed to its α-santonin content, is a potent, rapidly acting herb with actions that are cholagogue (inducing bile flow), and therefore digestive, as well as healing in nature.This is attributed to its essential oils and amoroids, which also possess antimicrobial and antiparasitic properties.Artemisia has also been shown to stimulate bitter receptors. Research has correlated the ingestion of bitter stimuli with an initiation of cellular and molecular responses in the endocrine cells of the GI tract. Anethum graveolens seed is an aromatic herb know for its calming effect on the autonomic nervous and digestive systems, as well as having carminative and stomachic properties. It also provides an essential oil containing corvone, limonene and α-phellandrene which possess potent activity against bacteria, fungi and molds. Hedyotis diffusa is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine.Active principles include anthraquinones, iridoid glucosides, triterpenoids and flavonoids. Hedyotis has been demonstrated to possess antioxidant, hepatoprotective and neuroprotective properties. By virtue of its combination of these and other Eastern and Western herbs, Dysbiocide® affords a broad effect, providing an unfriendly environment for undesirable intestinal organisms. *this item may take longer to ship*
BC-ATP Cell Core Supplement - Conners Clinic BC-ATP Cell Core Supplement - Conners Clinic
Cell Core
BC-ATP $74.95
BC-ATP is our most powerful supplement for supporting and optimizing mitochondrial function.When the body has the nutrients it needs to support mitochondria and ATP output, patients can experience improved cognitive function, mental clarity and focus, and sustained physical energy.The highly charged organic acids support metabolism and the ATP cycle in being at peak efficiency. These carbons also assist in the body’s natural detoxification processes, contribute to a balanced gut microbiome, promote cellular renewal, and support immune health.In clinical practice, BC-ATP is generally well-tolerated by sensitive patients and can help improve protocol tolerance. Formulated with Carbon Technology Carbon Technology is a proprietary blend of fulvic acids and polysaccharides that support cellular repair and the body’s natural ability to detoxify.* With a low pH, Carbon Technology also helps protect ingredients from being digested by stomach acid, so that they remain intact as they enter the desired location in the body.
Homeopathic Droppers Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic
Homeopathic Droppers $30.00
NOTE: This product is a special-order product for Dr. Conners members only and NOT available to the public. NOTE: All of the below statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This and any product(s) discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Conners Originals Homeopathic Droppers Please specify which formulation you are ordering in the notes section of the Cart page. Directions: See the dosage on your bottle and note that is listed in number of DROPS taken X number of times per day. __X___drops __X___times per day (see your bottle for specific dosage) It is usually best to take the drops either immediately in the morning or before bed on an empty stomach – 15 minutes from food, 60 minutes from that listed below. Try to avoid the following externally or internally for about an hour before/after taking your homeopath: anything with coffee flavor mint, camphor, menthol large quantities of caffeine chamomile Examples:  avoid mint flavored toothpastes, chewing gums, and mouthwashes (mint and menthol); menthol lozenges and candies; coffee, even decaffeinated or coffee flavored ice cream or candies. If you drink alcohol, avoid extremes. Do not place your remedies in close contact with magnets. Homeopathic Remedy Antidotes: Homeopathic remedies are essentially vibrational medicine, and other strong material vibrations can easily overwhelm them.   
Clear Hist Jr - Chewable Natural Anti-Histamine for Kids - 60 Count Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic Clear Hist Jr - Chewable Natural Anti-Histamine for Kids - 60 Count Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic
Clear Hist Jr - Chewable Natural Anti-Histamine for Kids - 60 Count $21.20
Conners Clinic Originals Clear Hist Jr. is a great-tasting, chewable tablet that includes a targeted blend of flavonoids, antioxidants, proteolytic enzymes and botanicals designed to provide comprehensive support for children with seasonal challenges caused by common environmental allergens. Clear Hist Jr. includes quercetin, a powerful flavonoid to support healthy histamine levels. It supplies bromelain to enhance the absorption of quercetin and to support mucosal tissue health and stinging nettles leaf to balance hyper-immune response. N-acetyl cysteine clears the airways by promoting normal viscosity of mucus. This unique nutritional combination safely promotes healthy nasal and sinus passages for children with elevated histamine and respiratory irritation. Ingredients Vitamin C Quercetin Dihydrate Stinging Nettle Bromelain N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine Does Not Contain:  Gluten, yeast, artificial colors or flavors. Potential Benefits supports immune balance in hypersensitive individuals supports sinus and respiratory health promotes normal viscosity of mucus clears nasal passages Discussion Quercetin is a biologically active flavonoid antioxidant that is widely distributed in plants, oak trees, onions and tea leaves. Quercetin has strong antioxidant activity and has also been shown to support immune health by mediating the release of inflammatory compounds, including leukotrienes and prostaglandins. Quercetin is known for its ability to stabilize mast cells, which diminishes the release of histamine, the compound known to cause hypersensitivity reactions during seasonal changes. Stinging Nettles Leaf - Urtica dioica, commonly known as stinging nettles, is a plant that has been shown to balance immune response, specifically in the airways and nasal passages. Studies have shown that the extract of stinging nettles leaf balances several of inflammatory activities that affect respiratory health. In addition to controlling mast-cell degranulation, stinging nettles leaf controls prostaglandin formation and histamine action, thus contributing to a balanced inflammatory response. Bromelain is a plant enzyme naturally found on the stem and fruit of the pineapple plant. Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that aids in in the breakdown of large protein complexes, including antigenic compounds. Bromelain has been shown to enhance the absorption of quercetin and to reduce circulating allergenic protein complexes associated with hyper-immune sensitivity and seasonal discomfort. N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is an amino acid precursor to one of the most important antioxidants in the body: glutathione. Both glutathione and NAC help reduce the viscosity of the mucus allowing for clearing of the airways and improved respiratory health. Vitamin C - Because vitamin C cannot be synthesized by the human body, it is an essential nutrient that must be consumed in the diet. Among its numerous health-promoting properties, vitamin C supports the immune system and is also a potent antioxidant. When the body is under a significant amount of stress, vitamin C is excreted rapidly. Vitamin C has many immune boosting properties, but is distinctively beneficial for individuals with seasonal discomfort because of its ability to deactivate histamine. Directions 1 tablet as needed or as recommended by your health care professional.
Sold out -39% Our Price
Smart Meter Cover - EMF, Radiation Faraday Cage Conners Clinic Equipment - Conners Clinic [2021 UPDATED] Smart Meter Cover RF Radiation Faraday Cage Guard for Electric | EMF Blocking Protection Conners Clinic Equipment - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic
Smart Meter Cover - EMF, Radiation Faraday Cage $44.99 $72.95
NOTE: Before you order - these are NOT returnable. This Smart meter cover may NOT exactly fit every Smart meter! Please measure yours. Though it does fit almost all smart meters.'s an easy fix if it seems too large:  It can be VERY helpful to purchase a small roll of foam weatherstripping (see below) to apply to your meter or the inside of this cover to help it fit snug.    You can also order this weatherstripping HERE Smart Meter Cover EMF/Radiation Faraday Guard Our Smart Meter Cover EMF Blocking Guard for Electric meters creates a faraday cage to minimize EMF frequencies and RF waves from your electric smart meter. From a physics standpoint a Faraday cage does not allow the high frequency electromagnetic waves to pass through the parallel lines of the metal material due to the field effect, whether it is grounded or not. Instead, the EMF/RF waves coming from your smart meter are absorbed into the mesh and shunted to ground. Product Details Reduces smart meter EMF and RF Radiation without interrupting signal to your utility company Easy to install, no drilling/wiring/assembly High quality stainless steel construction Portable - it moves with you Fully tested and proven to block 98+% of the EMF frequencies with real data! What About the Back of the Utility Box? The utility box for your smart electric meter is comprised of grounded metal, and this includes the back of the box. The glass front of your smart meter is the only part of your electrical box that is not grounded, and is where the RF waves come out. The RF waves radiate all over, but they can't penetrate grounded metal. Once this Smart Meter Faraday Cover is installed the glass will be covered and no EMF waves will be able to escape the utility box.
Oxalate Scavenger Prof Health Products Supplement - Conners Clinic Oxalate Scavenger Prof Health Products Supplement - Conners Clinic
Prof Health Products
Oxalate Scavenger $62.00
Ingredients: Vitamin D Vitamin K2 Vitamin B6 Calcium citrate Magnesium orotate Lactospore Potential Benefits: aids in the removal of Oxalic acid supports a healthy gastrointestinal microbiome Description: Oxalate Scavenger contains Calcium Citrate and Magnesium Orotate to bind with dietary oxalic acid so that it can be safely excreted from the body. Vitamin B6 helps support healthy metabolism of glyoxalate to glycine rather than oxalate. It also includes the probiotic LactoSpore to support a healthy gastrointestinal microbiome. Oxalates are compounds that naturally exist in many generally healthy foods and can come from overgrowth of yeast or fungus as well as exposure to mold. They bind to metal ions and form precipitates, which can cause various health problems depending on where the precipitate is deposited. Individuals with elevated oxalate levels may experience pain as the result of oxalate crystals precipitating with minerals in tissue. Those with AGXT, HOGA1, GRHPR, or SPP1 genetic variants have been found to have a higher amounts of oxalates. Consider Oxalate Balancer as well if you need antimicrobial support. Oxalate Scavenger is intended for those with genetic defects that may warrant supporting this pathway. See video:   Genetic supplementation is complex and requires a deep understanding of the entire genetic picture.  Our Genetics Membership includes the kit, a full workup, review, report, summary, Dr. Conners’ personalized recommendations - and MORE.  Click HERE for details.  
-21% Our Price
Turmero Clear - Whole-food Turmeric - 60 capsules Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic Turmero Clear - Whole-food Turmeric - 60 capsules Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic
Turmero Clear - Whole Food Turmeric - 60 capsules $39.20 $49.20
 SPECIAL GIFT IDEA - SAVE $10.00 PER BOTTLE Turmero Clear is a full-spectrum turmeric product that contains an exclusive blend of bioactive nutrients. It is a natural turmeric matrix standardized to contain curcuminoids, turmeric oils and turmerin protein, along with many other active turmeric compounds that deliver comprehensive support. Turmero Clear offers a well-rounded blend of turmeric phytonutrients that help support normal inflammatory balance and strengthen immune reserves. The Complete Turmeric Matrix (CTM) formula provides comprehensive benefits and supports healthy breathing, cognitive function, gut and immune function. The molecular structure of CTM contributes to its bio-efficacy and maximizes its pleiotropic effects, making it an essential support to balance various biochemical pathways in our body. The Complete Turmeric Matrix is unique to Ortho Molecular Products where bio-efficacy is maintained as the ultimate focus in driving patient outcomes. NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Phase 0 - Chela Clear - 120 Caps Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic Chela Clear - 120 Caps Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic
Phase 0 - Chela Clear - 120 Caps $40.00
Phase 0 - Chela Clear by Conners Clinic Originals is designed to help the body rid itself of damaging oxidative elements.  It features specialized ingredients, such as EDTA, Himilayan shilajit extract (50% fulvic acid), chlorella, coriander, and antioxidant-stimulating nutrients.  These ingredients perform in concert to support your health when your body is challenged by environmental toxins, such as heavy metals. Ingredients Himalayan Shilajit extract Calcium Disodium EDTA Chlorella Coriander 4:1 N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine Alpha-Lipoic Acid Allicin (from garlic extract) Does Not Contain Wheat, gluten, yeast, soy, animal or dairy products, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, egg, ingredients derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs), artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, or artificial preservatives. Potential Benefits chelates chemicals/toxins out of tissues supports healthy liver function rids the body of damaging oxidative elements powerful antioxidant reduces cellular exposure to, or accumulation of, lead, cadmium, and mercury enhances cell survival after exposure to heavy metals or toxins Free Download - The 7 Phases of Detox Discussion Himalayan Shilajit Extract (Asphaltum punjabinum) is a purified form of shilajit also known as salajit, shilajatu, mimie, or mummiyo. This naturally occurring phytocomplex is found in high mountain rocks, especially those of the Himalayas and Hindu Kush ranges of the Indian subcontinent. Modern research suggests that shilajit has powerful antioxidant activity. As an example, in an animal model, processed shilajit increased superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities in a dose- dependent manner. Furthermore, humic substances, as found in shilajit, have been shown to affect the distribution, metabolism, and absorption of heavy metals, such as cadmium and lead. EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is a synthetic amino acid compound and perhaps the most well-known and often- used intravenous chelating agent. Oral EDTA is poorly absorbed, but it is thought to support detoxification of metals largely in the gastrointestinal tract.[9,10] More studies are needed to validate oral administration. It is believed that there is a benefit in combining EDTA with other chelators because EDTA acts slowly and could potentially lead to redeposition of metals. Due to EDTA’s metal-binding ability, it is important to replace beneficial minerals, such as zinc, copper, iron, cobalt, and manganese. Coriander Seed Extract (water-extracted) (Coriandrum sativum), also known as cilantro, appears to suppress the deposition of lead and arsenic by chelating these metals. In a study, lead-induced histological changes in the testis of albino mice were prevented to some extent by concomitant daily administration of C sativum extracts, perhaps due to a reduction in associated oxidative stress. In an another study, tissue-specific amelioration of lead-induced oxidative stress occurred in the brains of Wistar rats after administration of hydroalcoholic seed extract of C sativum. Allicin is the main biologically active component of garlic clove extracts and has promising effects on toxic metal accumulation in experimental research. In animal and in vitro models, garlic was able to reduce cellular exposure to, or accumulation of, lead, cadmium, and mercury. Furthermore, various extracts and forms of garlic have demonstrated garlic’s ability to positively affect detoxification pathways. Chlorella is a naturally occurring micro-algae and an excellent source of chlorophyll—a detoxifying substance that is also thought to bind toxic metals. The positive effect of chlorella supplementation on toxic metals, including methylmercury, cadmium, and lead, is supported by animal research. For example, testing its metal chelating ability, researchers observed a dramatic 66.03% reduction in blood lead levels in mice receiving chlorella extract (50 mg/kg/day) concurrent with lead exposure compared to lead-exposed, non-treated mice. N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) and Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) are well-known for their antioxidant activity. Exposure to heavy metals increases free radical production and oxidative stress. Research suggests that there is a beneficial role for free radical scavengers in reducing the oxidative stress that is common with toxic metal exposure. NAC has the ability to interact with reactive oxygen species (ROS) and stimulate the body to produce glutathione. This can enhance cell survival after exposure to heavy metals or toxins. In addition, ALA may directly chelate or reduce the oxidative capacity of metals, such as copper, arsenic, cadmium, and mercury.   Directions 2 to 4 capsules daily, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Consult your healthcare practitioner prior to use. Individuals taking blood thinners, insulin, or other medication should discuss potential interactions with their healthcare practitioner. *Do not take if you are pregnant or lactating. Do not use if tamper seal is damaged. NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.    Genetic supplementation is complex and requires a deep understanding of the entire genetic picture.  Our Genetics Membership includes the kit, a full workup, review, report, summary, Dr. Conners’ personalized recommendations - and MORE.  Click HERE for details.  
Greens First - Berry Flavor Meyer Distribution Supplement - Conners Clinic
Greens First
Greens First - Berry Flavor $45.00
A Great Tasting, Easily Digested Formulation of 54 Superfoods Greens First PRO powdered supplements are the professional grade line of the popular Greens First products. Containing 54 different superfoods, Greens First PRO products meet the needs of practitioners who are looking for pure whole-food formulations. They were developed to help to support and alkalize the body’s pH balance, assist in the reduction of the inflammatory process, help quench all five of the major free radicals and nourish the body with antioxidant and phytonutrient power – more than 15 servings of fruits, vegetables, superfoods, probiotics and digestive enzymes. These premium products are derived from nutrient-dense whole foods that have been processed at low temperature to leave the important nutrients and enzymes intact. Greens First PRO products are “body ready” for quick absorption and assimilation of all the nutrients. All of the nutrients are provided in a pre-digested or already broken-down state in a nutrient-dense powdered form. The formula also contains co-factors (enzymes, probiotics and others) the body requires to properly utilize the nutrients. Greens First PRO products are manufactured in an ISO 9000 Certified Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Facility and our standards of production are the highest in the industry. Greens First PRO Products are distributed to licensed healthcare providers only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. The product mentioned is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Features: Professional-grade formulation Contains 54 different superfoods Derived from nutrient-dense whole foods, fruits and vegetables Processed at low temperature to leave nutrients and enzymes intact Made easy to digest for quick absorption and assimilation of nutrients Manufactured to the highest standards in an ISO 9000 Certified Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Facility
Stop Fighting Cancer & Start Treating the Cause Book - 3rd Edition ✨ - Paperback Conners Clinic Book - Conners Clinic Stop Fighting Cancer & Start Treating the Cause Book - 3rd Edition ✨ - Paperback Conners Clinic Book - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic Books
Stop Fighting Cancer & Start Treating the Cause $19.99
Grab the Kindle version NOW for only $2.99! Read on Kindle   3rd Edition - Completely rewritten with LOADS of new content! Cancer is a very scary word; but it doesn't have to be. Conventional approaches are aimed at de-bulking a growing cancer, never addressing what drives it. Why do I have cancer? Is there a cause that needs to be addressed? This book will help answer these questions and give hope beyond standard medical approaches, using alternative cancer treatments. The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? -Psalm 27:1 From the Author I am not a doctor who believes that God desires to heal all our wounds or cure every cancer patient. We all will die; some of car accidents, some of old age, and other of cancer. Where we go after we die is of most concern. We must surrender to the fact that God is God and we are not. This doesn’t mean that we are to passively allow the world and its evils to beat us down; we are to keep fighting the fight while surrendering to God. This is when the healing begins. This is when the peace that passes all human understanding can fill you, comfort you, and snuggle you with warmth through the chill of despair. This is my prayer for you, not that your cancer goes away but that your cancer drives you to a relationship with your Father that is new, refreshed, real, and eternal.  
HM-ET Binder Cell Core Supplement - Conners Clinic HM-ET Binder Cell Core Supplement - Conners Clinic
Cell Core
HM-ET Binder $83.95
HM-ET Binder supports the body’s natural ability to detoxify and encourages cellular repair.* With the addition of Carbon Technology, it lends increased support to mitochondrial health, immunity, energy production, and long-term health.*HM-ET Binder is primarily designed for clients who are in the intermediate stages of promoting detoxification.* Because of this, HM-ET Binder is typically recommended after a client has already introduced BioToxin Binder and ViRadChem Binder to their routine.Formulated with Carbon Technology Carbon Technology is a proprietary blend of fulvic acids and polysaccharides that support cellular repair and the body’s natural ability to detoxify.* With a low pH, Carbon Technology also helps protect ingredients from being digested by stomach acid, so that they remain intact as they enter the desired location in the body.
-7% Our Price
INTENZYME FORTE (500 Tablets) Biotics Research Supplement - Conners Clinic INTENZYME FORTE (500 Tablets) Biotics Research Supplement - Conners Clinic
Biotics Research
INTENZYME FORTE (500 Tablets) $105.00 $112.50
Intenzyme Forte™ is a broad spectrum proteolytic enzyme formulation, containing pancreatin, bromelain, papain, lipase, amylase, trypsin and alpha chymotrypsin. It may be utilized to support numerous protein metabolism pathways. Proteolytic enzymes are capable of exerting influence over a wide variety of physiological and biochemical processes. The benefits of Intenzyme Forte include its effect on muscle soreness and discomfort due to overexertion, the support of hormone processing, as well as providing support for healthy digestive, immune and circulatory functions. Why you may need Intenzyme ForteTM: Health researchers are continually discovering that inflammation and its effects are at the root of many health problems. In fact, most chronic health challenges involve some degree of inflammation. But acknowledging inflammation and addressing it are two very different entities. Since inflammation can be caused from such a wide variety of factors – everything from physical wear and tear, diet, environmental factors, genetics, and even local or systemic allergies, it can be difficult to find an easy way to address it. Intenzyme Forte is a potent source of both plant and animal based enzymes that are an effective combination to break down the aberrant proteins associated with inflammation, hence the term “proteolytic enzymes”. For example, proteolytic enzymes provide all-natural and highly effective support for systemic or localized inflammation and discomfort such as muscle soreness.The key, however, is that in order to benefit from enzymes proteolytic actions; it must be taken on an empty stomach. If taken with food, the enzyme will work as a digestive aid instead. Why your healthcare practitioner recommends Intenzyme ForteTM: Intenzyme ForteTM is a broad spectrum nutritional supplement capable of exerting influence over a variety of physiological and biochemical mechanisms, including: inflammatory processes, numerous pathways of protein metabolism, hormone processing, digestive processes, food sensitivities, immune system support, and healthy circulatory system support. Intenzyme ForteTM also has the ability to break down mucous secretions as well. For over 30 years, thousands of healthcare practitioners have relied on the safe, effective, and reliable results that Intenzyme ForteTM has to offer. As always, you can count on Biotics Research to offer superior nutritional products that supply “The Best of Science and Nature”.
Oxaloacetate CFS - 500 mg per cap Terra Biological Supplement - Conners Clinic Oxaloacetate CFS - 500 mg per cap Terra Biological Supplement - Conners Clinic
Terra Biological
Oxaloacetate CFS - 500 mg per cap $499.00
A Medical Food For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome1,500% More Oxaloacetate than BenaGene 45 daily servings per bottle. Two capsules per serving. Clinically proven to lower fatigue in latest study published by Springer Nature’s Journal of Translational Medicine Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients showed reduction in fatigue by up to 33.3% in 6 weeks Long COVID patients showed reaction in fatigue by up to 46.8% in 6 weeks "This data is showing oral oxaloacetate treatment may play a key role in moving dysfunctional metabolic changes back towards normal functioning," - David Lyons Kaufman, MD, study coauthor and founder of the Center for Complex Diseases. Multiple clinical trials currently ongoing. 1,500% more Thermally Stabilized Oxaloacetate than BenaGene This product is a “Medical Food” formulated to be consumed under the supervision of a health care professional for the specific dietary management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). Each capsule contains 500 mg anhydrous enol-oxaloacetate housed inside a vegetarian capsule. Capsules should be taken with a meal. Our product is physician quality, safe and non-toxic, keto-friendly, gluten-free, and hormone-free. All of our products are manufactured in state-of-the-art GMP facilities. 90 Capsules per bottle: 500 mg Oxaloacetate (Anhydrous Enol-Oxaloacetate) Vegetarian Capsule No Fillers, No Flow Agents, No Dyes, No Gluten, and No Preservatives.

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