Nrf2 Accelerator - 60 Caps Prof Health Products Supplement - Conners Clinic Nrf2 Accelerator - 60 Caps Prof Health Products Supplement - Conners Clinic
Prof Health Products
Nrf2 Accelerator - 60 Caps $55.00
Ingredients Activated Broccoli Raffinate seed Sulforaphane Glucosinolate Myrosinase Enzyme Tumeric Pomegranate Extract Pterocarpus Marsupium pulp Ginkgo Biloba Extract leaf Dong Quai root Trans-Resveratrol root Grapeseed Extract Potential Benefits provides support for the Nrf2 process in cells that create antioxidants & Phase II enzyme Supports cellular integrity and stabilizes proteins Description Your Nrf2 pathway is your primary intracellular path to detoxify oxidizing agents. Failure for Nrf2 to be released to do its job (common with Keap1 gene defects) and Nrf2 production (NFE2 gene defects) may decrease Nrf2 function and be a cause of severe illness. Nrf2 Basics Nrf2, or nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2, is a master transcription factor for hundreds of human genes involved in cell protection and detoxification. Nrf2 protects cells against oxidative stress and environmental toxins through the induction of cytoprotective genes.[1] Cells devote great energy to maintaining the Nrf2 pathway, ensuring its rapid induction upon cellular insult, with return to normal levels once the threat has been neutralized. Key Nrf2 Actions Nrf2 has four key domains:1. Nrf2 quells oxidative stress by stimulating key antioxidant enzymes such as heme oxygenase and glutathionerelated enzymes. 2. Nrf2 damps inflammation by down-regulating pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukins and NFkappaB, and by up-regulating antioxidant responses.[1,3] 3. Nrf2 promotes mitochondrial biogenesis and improves mitochondrial function,[1] with all that that implies. 4. Nrf2 stimulates autophagy, which removes damaged and toxic molecules and aggregates [1,4] (see tech info sheet: Autophagy Assist). Inducing Nrf2 The Nrf2 pathway can be induced by a wide variety of dietary and plant chemicals, by low-level oxidative stress (hormesis effect), and by exercise and caloric restriction. Healthy diets such as the Mediterranean and Okinawan diets, "paleo" diets emphasizing a variety of vegetables, and WFPB (whole food plant-based) diets, are rich in compounds that boost Nrf2. The Standard American Diet (SAD), loaded with refined sugars and fats, is sadly lacking in same. Nrf2 appears to be the final common pathway for the protective effects of a plethora of the best-documented phytochemicals including phenolic antioxidants (grapes, grape seed, pomegranate, green tea), sulforaphane (broccoli and other crucifers), carotenoids (red, green and yellow vegetables), and omega-3 fatty acids. Free Download - The 7 Phases of Detox Genetic supplementation is complex and requires a deep understanding of the entire genetic picture.  Our Genetics Membership includes the kit, a full workup, review, report, summary, Dr. Conners’ personalized recommendations - and MORE.  Click HERE for details.  
-20% Our Price
Adaptogen-R3 - 90 caps Premier Research Labs Supplement - Conners Clinic Adaptogen-R3 - 90 caps Premier Research Labs Supplement - Conners Clinic
Premier Research Labs
Adaptogen-R3 - 90 caps $29.91 $37.00
Why would I take it? Adaptogen-R3 is for those wanting to help balance their hormones. We can all experience minor hormonal fluctuations that accompany life and stress. Adaptogens are specific herbs that can help bring balance to hyper OR hypo functioning glands. So, Adaptogen-R3 can benefit those with mild/minor symptoms of: Hypothyroid  Hypo pituitary Hypo adrenal Hyperthyroid Hyper pituitary Hyper adrenal Times of increased STRESS Mood/symptoms associated with menstrual cycles Adaptogen-R3, by Premier Research Labs is often used to assist adrenal stress and mood balance. Ingredients (pure vegan): Rhodiola rosea extract Eleuthero root Organic Prickly Pear leaf Organic Maca root Organic Rice concentrate Indonesian cinnamon bark Organic tumeric root Fermented cordyceps extract Does Not Contain: Added magnesium stearate, chemical or radiation sterilization, heavy metals Potential Benefits: supports the body's adaptogenic response promotes the body's ability to handle physical and mental stress Description: Adaptogens are a class of herbs that may help regulate hormones, particularly thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary. These can be extremely beneficial to regulate moods, anxiety, stress and other emotions.   Adaptogen-R3™ is a premier, invigorating formula that promotes the entire adaptogenic process, including whole body rejuvenation/stress support. This product features several key, nutraceutical blends. Rhodiola Pro BlendTM features the famous botanicals: Rhodiola Rosea root, Eleuthero root, American Ginseng and Opuntia, the perfect adaptogenic blend. CordyPro BlendTM complete the “Premier Quality Effect” of this dynamic formula. Directions: Take 3 capsules at breakfast or before 2:00 P.M., or as directed by a health professional. Videos:
LymphActiv Cell Core Supplement - Conners Clinic LymphActiv Cell Core Supplement - Conners Clinic
Cell Core
LymphActiv $46.00
Proper lymphatic movement is essential for establishing optimal drainage and supporting the body’s natural detoxification processes. Unlike the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system doesn’t have its own pump to help drain fluids from tissues. LymphActiv offers a powerful blend of eight herbs to support the body’s natural detoxification processes and lymphatic motion needed to support drainage — including astragalus root, chuchuhuasi bark, rhubarb root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm, and soursop leaf.* Together, these botanicals also support healthy adrenal and liver function, immunity, and mental clarity.*  Formulated with Carbon Technology Carbon Technology is a proprietary blend of fulvic acids, humic acids, and polysaccharides that support cellular repair and the body’s natural ability to detoxify.* With a low pH, Carbon Technology also helps protect ingredients from being digested by stomach acid, so that they remain intact as they enter the desired location in the body.
-10% Our Price
Teavigo - Clear EGCg (new label/product formulation) U.S. Enzymes Supplement - Conners Clinic Teavigo - Clear EGCg (new label/product formulation) U.S. Enzymes Supplement - Conners Clinic
U.S. Enzymes
Teavigo - Clear EGCg (new label/product formulation) $40.00 $44.00
TEAVIGO® - Our NEW Clear EGCg product with MORE EGCg/cap and a much 'cleaner' product! Tomorrow’s Nutrition/US Enzyme brand Teavigo® Veggie Caps (62 count) delivers 200 mg of caffeine free pure EGCg. Teavigo® has been shown to have numerous physiological benefits, including antioxidant and thermogenic (fat burning) activities.
-6% Our Price
Clear Histamine Scavenger - 90 Caps Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic Clear Histamine Scavenger - 90 Caps Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic
Clear Histamine Scavenger - 90 Caps $54.00 $57.00
When you’re choosing to decrease the levels of histamine in your diet, it’s just that: decreasing. It is simply impossible (and actually unnecessary) to try to eliminate histamines. They’re everywhere. However what you can do, and should focus on, is reducing your intake of high histamine foods along with combining foods that are low in histamine with other foods can help break down and clear histamine from the body. Use this list to help lower your histamine load. Using products like our Histamine Scavenger can greatly reduce one's symptoms of excess histamine. This is one of our BEST selling products with the number of people RE-purchasing at the highest - WORKS! On SALE this month - $3.00 off per bottle!!!! Ingredients: Larch Tree Fiber Pine Bark Extract Aloe Vera Leaf Quercetin Bromelain Nettle Leaf Marshmallow Root Bitter Orange Licorice Sugar free, salt free, starch free, preservative free, no artificial colors or flavors or additives, wheat free, soy free, yeast free, no milk derivatives Potential Benefits: Supports normal histamine levels Reduce inflammatory responses to non-allergen exposures Can help the body repair leaky gut, or prevent its onset Supports ABP1 & HNMT gene pathways Description: Histamine is a versatile, yet unique, compound that naturally interacts with several physiological pathways. Typically, bodily injury and antigen exposure promotes the release of histamine. A white blood cell variation known as a basophil and similarly constructed mast cells, found in connective tissue, are the main producers of histamine. Despite various origins and locations, histamine compounds found outside of the CNS contribute to a universal goal: initiating an inflammatory response. Histamine, as a result of corresponding neural receptors, has the potential for profound effects on the hypothalamus and other neurotransmitters: specifically effecting appetite and sleep patterns. Therefore, increased histamine can disrupt usual compound levels in the CNS.  Secreted histamine also promotes vasodilation, blood plasma release from adjacent blood vessels, and stimulates gastric acid production. Vasodilation allows for greater capillary permeability; therefore, white blood cells are capable of contacting pathogens found in interstitial fluid, also potentially effecting intestinal permeability.  Excessive histamine can be correlated to genetic mutations, leaky gut, allergies, and an individual’s diet. Studies have suggested gliadin, a protein found in wheat, to be involved with mast cell function and secretion of histamine; similarly, gliadin also stimulates the release of Zonulin. Under further observation, Zonulin has been found, during an ex vivo study, to increase intestinal permeability, serving as another contributor to a leaky gut.  Genetic mutations found in the ABP1 and HNMT genes are potential indicators for elevated histamine. Furthermore, increased histamine levels can result in heart palpitations, low blood pressure, hypertension, fatigue, anxiety, joint pain, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach ulcers, adrenal gland fatigue, and altered sleep patterns. Histamine Scavenger contains the essential ingredients believed to promote the reduction of harmful histamine accumulation. Histamine Scavenger is designed to reduce histamine (an inflammatory chemical) in the tissues. Genetic supplementation is complex and requires a deep understanding of the entire genetic picture.  Our Genetics Membership includes the kit, a full workup, review, report, summary, Dr. Conners’ personalized recommendations - and MORE.  Click HERE for details. Your browser does not support the video tag.
BenaGene - 30 Caps Terra Biological Supplement - Conners Clinic BenaGene - 30 Caps Terra Biological Supplement - Conners Clinic
Terra Biological
BenaGene - 30 Caps $47.00
BenaGene is a patented thermally stabilized oxaloacetate supplement supporting… Cellular energy boosts as a mitochondrial metabolite Anti-aging as a calorie restriction mimetic Healthy brain function as a ketone energy source Healthy blood sugar levels as an AMPK activator SUPPORTS CELLULAR ENERGYA key metabolite, oxaloacetate is essential for energy production. benaGene provides your body with additional oxaloacetate. POTENT ANTIOXIDANTbenaGene inactivates free-radicals including TBARS and h2O2. DOCTOR RECOMMENDEDUsed by over 5,000 physicians, benaGene is a favorite of many doctors SCIENTIFICALLY DEVELOPED AND INVESTIGATEDNumerous investigations into oxaloacetate have been researched and publishing, including several clinical trials. PATENTED BIOTECHNOLOGY MADE IN THE USAbenaGene is powered by internationally patented thermally stabilized oxaloacetate and made in cGMP facilities in the United States.   MITOCHONDRIAL FUEL Mitochondria are the engines of your cells, using a process called the Krebs Cycle to turn food and oxygen into the energy we need to live. Oxaloacetate is a crucial metabolic compound essential to the Krebs cycle and energy production.Using benaGene to fuel your cells with ample oxaloacetate helps them create more energy, supporting your brain and body with the power to do more of what you love. GROW OLDER. LIVE MORE.Those that feel young at heart, but struggle with a body that can’t keep up, say benaGene rejuvenates their energy on a cellular level, offering the youthful energy to live their best life.“I’m convinced that this compound—which is sold over the counter as benaGene—deserves your attention if you’re looking for effective geroprotectors. I take oxaloacetate because it may multiply the benefits of intermittent fasting, boosting the necessary NAD+/NADH ratio increase.”- Patrick Cox, renowned biotech investor and longevity researcher, author of The Methuselah Effect"I began taking 1 capsule of benaGene per day in 2012 and haven't missed a day since. I'm no scientist so my testimony is limited to how I feel and what I can accomplish. That feeling can be summed up in one word. ENERGETIC!"- Tom, kayaker & traveler, 75 years old GIVE YOUR WISER SOUL A SHARPER MINDWhen it accumulates unchecked, glutamate can overexcite brain cells to death and leave you feeling foggy, unfocused and anxious.High-level executives and biohackers use benaGene as a glutamate scavenger, allowing them to stay sharp and productive after hours of mentally intensive work.“I’ve noticed a huge increase in cognition and reflex time, like my working memory is on steroids. I can easily manipulate concepts in my head and can push further. I suffered from mold exposure 2 years ago and I often lose focus or concentration. benaGene helped a lot to regain clarity.”- Jay F. DOCTOR APPROVEDAs more research is published each year, more doctors recommend benaGene to their patients to optimize health on a cellular level.Available over-the-counter, more than 5,000 doctors and health professionals recommend benaGene and more than 5 million doses have been sold worldwide.  
Natural D-Hist - 120 Capsules - PL Ortho-Molecular Supplement - Conners Clinic Natural D-Hist - 120 Capsules - PL Ortho-Molecular Supplement - Conners Clinic
Natural D-Hist - 120 Capsules $47.70
CLINICAL APPLICATIONS Supports Immune Balance in Hypersensitive Individuals Supports Sinus and Respiratory Health Promotes Normal Viscosity of Mucus Clears Nasal Passages OVERVIEW Natural D-Hist is a targeted blend of flavonoids, antioxidants, proteolytic enzymes and botanicals designed to provide comprehensive support for seasonal challenges caused by common environmental allergens. The formula includes quercetin, bromelain, stinging nettles leaf, and N-acetyl cysteine. The powerful combination actively promotes healthy nasal and sinus passages for individuals with elevated histamine and respiratory irritation. Suggested Use: Loading Dose: 2 capsules three times per day for 7-10 days or as recommended by your health care professional Maintenance: 1 or more capsules per day or as recommended by your health care professional INGREDIENT BENEFITS Quercetin Quercetin has strong antioxidant activity and has been shown to support immune health by mediating the release of inflammatory compounds including leukotrienes and prostaglandins. Quercetin is known for its ability to stabilize mast cells, diminishing the release of histamine, the compound known to cause hypersensitivity reactions during seasonal changes. Stinging Nettles Leaf Extract Stinging nettles leaf is a plant that has been shown to balance immune response, specifically in the airways and nasal passages. Studies have shown that the extract of stinging nettles leaf balances a variety of inflammatory activities that affect respiratory health. Bromelain Bromelain is a plant enzyme naturally found on the stem and fruit of the pineapple plant. Bromelain is a proteolytic (protein-digesting) enzyme that aids in in the breakdown of large protein complexes, including antigenic compounds, and has been shown to enhance the absorption of quercetin. Bromelain has been shown to reduce circulating allergenic protein complexes associated with hyper-immune sensitivity and seasonal discomfort. N-Acetyl Cysteine N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is an amino acid precursor to one of the most important antioxidants in the body, glutathione. Both glutathione and NAC help reduce the viscosity of the mucus allowing for clearing of the airways and improved respiratory health.  Vitamin C Vitamin C cannot be synthesized by humans and is therefore an essential nutrient that must be consumed in the diet. Among its numerous health-promoting properties, vitamin C is an essential vitamin that supports the immune system and is also a potent antioxidant. When the body is under a significant amount of stress, vitamin C is excreted rapidly. Vitamin C has many immune boosting properties, but is distinctively beneficial for individuals with seasonal discomfort because of its ability to deactivate histamine.
AI - Autoimmune Formula - 120 Capsules Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic AI - Autoimmune Formula - 120 Capsules Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic
AI - Anti-Inflammatory / Autoimmune Formula - 120 Capsules $62.00
Are you struggling with symptoms of an Autoimmune disorder? The stimulation of an immediate immune response may worsen the clinical condition. In the presence of self-antibodies, an immune stimulation may enhance the attack against self-tissue. Therefore, it may be contraindicative to use immune stimulating nutrition in such cases. This makes it difficult to choose a protocol that will both kill a pathogen and not stimulate or utilize your own immune system to do so. Our AI formula offers support for a healthy immune system.This product also features: Curcumin C3 Complex®, trans-Resveratrol (from Japanese Knotweed), Green Tea extract (EGCG) and Vitamin E as mixed tocotrienols for potent anti-oxidant support. Modulation of the TH-2 immune system from Grapeseed extract and N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC). Proprietary Enzyme Blend may aid in biofilm disruption and serve as systemic enzymatic support. Terramin clay has a number of unique and beneficial properties and are among the most powerful cleansing substances on earth. N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) promotes tissue levels of glutathione, a key component of the antioxidant defense system, to support the body’s natural defense system. Potent nutrients in this formulation also have been studied for their role supporting brain health; quelling microglial activation as well as oxidative stress. NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  Free Download - The 7 Phases of Detox References 1. Shahidi F, de Camargo AC. Tocopherols and Tocotrienols in Common and Emerging Dietary Sources: Occurrence, Applications, and Health Benefits. Int J Mol Sci. 2016;17(10):1745. Published 2016 Oct 20. doi:10.3390/ijms17101745 2. Zainal Z, Rahim AA, Radhakrishnan AK, Chang SK, Khaza'ai H. Investigation of the curative effects of palm vitamin E tocotrienols on autoimmune arthritis disease in vivo. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):16793. Published 2019 Nov 14. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-53424-7 3. Gomes BAQ, Silva JPB, Romeiro CFR, et al. Neuroprotective Mechanisms of Resveratrol in Alzheimer's Disease: Role of SIRT1. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2018;2018:8152373. Published 2018 Oct 30. doi:10.1155/2018/8152373 4. Malaguarnera L. Influence of Resveratrol on the Immune Response. Nutrients. 2019;11(5):946. Published 2019 Apr 26. doi:10.3390/nu11050946 5. Hewlings SJ, Kalman DS. Curcumin: A Review of Its' Effects on Human Health. Foods. 2017;6(10):92. Published 2017 Oct 22. doi:10.3390/- foods6100092 6. Al-Mousawi, A.H., Al-kaabi, S.J., Albaghdadi, A.J.H. et al. Effect of Black Grape Seed Extract (Vitis vinifera) on Biofilm Formation of Methicillin-Resis- tant Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus haemolyticus. Curr Microbiol (2019) doi:10.1007/s00284-019-01827-0 7. Horibe S, Tanahashi T, Kawauchi S, Mizuno S, Rikitake Y. Preventative Effects of Sodium Alginate on Indomethacin-induced Small-intestinal Injury in Mice. Int J Med Sci. 2016;13(9):653–663. Published 2016 Aug 1. doi:10.7150/ijms.16232 8. Mackie AR, Macierzanka A, Aarak K, et al. Sodium alginate decreases the permeability of intestinal mucus. Food Hydrocoll. 2016;52:749–755. doi:10.1016/j.foodhyd.2015.08.004 9. Bavarsad Shahripour R, Harrigan MR, Alexandrov AV. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in neurological disorders: mechanisms of action and therapeutic opportunities. Brain Behav. 2014;4(2):108–122. doi:10.1002/brb3.208 10. Razak MA, Begum PS, Viswanath B, Rajagopal S. Multifarious Beneficial Effect of Nonessential Amino Acid, Glycine: A Review. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2017;2017:1716701. doi:10.1155/2017/1716701 11. El-Hafidi M, Franco M, Ramírez AR, et al. Glycine Increases Insulin Sensitivity and Glutathione Biosynthesis and Protects against Oxidative Stress in a Model of Sucrose-Induced Insulin Resistance. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2018;2018:2101562. Published 2018 Feb 21. doi:10.1155/2018/2101562 12. Boyer JL. Bile formation and secretion. Compr Physiol. 2013;3(3):1035–1078. doi:10.1002/cphy.c120027 13. Salem, B et al Pharmacological Studies of Artichoke Leaf Extract and Their Health Benefits. Plant Foods Hum Nutr. 2015 Dec;70(4):441-53. doi: 10.1007/s11130-015-0503-8 14. Kirchhoff, R. et al. Increase in choleresis by means of artichoke extract. Results of a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind study. Phytomed- icine 1994; 1: 107. 15. Held C. Artischoke bei Gallenwegsdyskinesien: Workshop “Neue Aspekte zur Therapie mit Chloretika.” Kluvensiek. 1991; 2:9. Cited in Kraft K. Artichoke leaf extract—Recent findings reflecting effects on lipid metabolism, liver and gastrointestinal tracts. Phytomedicine. 1997; 4(4):369-378 16. Rondanelli M. et al Health-promoting properties of artichoke in preventing cardiovascular disease by its lipidic and glycemic-reducing action. Monaldi Arch Chest Dis. 2013 Mar;80(1):17-26. 17. El-Boshy M1et al Studies on the protective effect of the artichoke (Cynara scolymus) leaf extract against cadmium toxicity-induced oxidative stress, hepatorenal damage, and immunosuppressive and hematological disorders in rats. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2017 May;24(13):12372-12383.
ABP1 Assist Prof Health Products Supplement - Conners Clinic ABP1 Assist Prof Health Products Supplement - Conners Clinic
Prof Health Products
ABP1 Assist $82.00
ABP1 Assist is formulated with DAO and other enzymes to help those with ABP1 gene defects, and hence the inability to make DAO enzyme essential to digest histamines in the GUT Ingredients: Vitamin B6 Copper Diamine Oxidase Lyophilized Ovine Thymus Tissue Apple Polyphenols Rutin Soy free, yeast free, dairy free, sugar free, gluten free, no artificial colors or flavors, preservative free Potential Benefits: supports overall function of ABP1 gene reduce reactions to histamine (and high histamine foods) supports natural ability to break down histamine in the body reduce sensitivity to NSAIDs reduce occurrence/severity of migraines supports mental stability can lessen symptoms of ulcerative colitis 2 capsules contain enough DAO to degrade 75,000 uM/hour of Histidine** Description - ABP1 Assist Many individuals have health concerns due to the inability to digest foods high in histamine. The amine oxidase copper containing 1 gene, known as ABP1 or AOC1, is responsible for the production of the diamine oxidase enzyme and is expressed in the colon, kidney, thymus and seminal vesicles. The diamine oxidase, DAO, enzyme is primarily involved in the degradation of extracellular histamine, D-serine, and other inflammatory stimulating compounds. Several single nucleotide polymorphisms of the ABP1 gene have been reported to be major determinates in the function and serum activity of the DAO enzyme; moreover, Music et al. (2011) reported that serum DAO enzyme activity is a useful indicator of histamine intolerance. Abnormal function of the DAO enzyme has been associated with NSAID sensitivity, migraines, schizophrenia, histamine intolerance, and as a factor in the severity of ulcerative colitis. ABP1 Assist provides innovative and groundbreaking dietary assistance designed to support the natural ability to break down histamine and produce the DAO enzyme. Bottle Count: 90 delayed release capsules Genetic supplementation is complex and requires a deep understanding of the entire genetic picture.  Our Genetics Membership includes the kit, a full workup, review, report, summary, Dr. Conners’ personalized recommendations - and MORE.  Click HERE for details.
-19% Our Price
HCL-XYM Enzymes - 93 caps U.S. Enzymes Supplement - Conners Clinic HCL-XYM Enzymes - 93 caps U.S. Enzymes Supplement - Conners Clinic
U.S. Enzymes
HCL-XYM Enzymes - 93 caps $26.00 $32.00
HCLXYM™ Digestive Catalysts HCL-XYM contains a natural source of Betaine Hydrochloride to help support the body’s natural ability to produce HCL that can be compromised due to age or illness.* HCL is needed for the proper digestion of foods, absorption of nutrients and support of Enzymatic and Probiotic activity.* Dosage: one (1) capsule Dosages per bottle: 93 Recommended Usage To obtain the maximum results take one (1) capsule after each meal. If needed, take two (2) capsules after a heavy meal or a meal rich in proteins. This product is NON-GMO, NON-DAIRY, NON-SOY and contains no gluten, fillers, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. *AstraXyme™ is a blend of proteolytic enzymes, trace minerals and extracts of Astragalus membranaceus and Panax notoginseng. Free Download - The 7 Phases of Detox Also Check out this product in our: GUT HEALING BUNDLE - PROTOCOL #1 (FOR THOSE WITH A HISTORY OF CANCER OR GLUTAMATE ISSUES) - YOU RECEIVE ALL 5 PRODUCTS IN THIS BUNDLE GIVING YOU A 10% SAVINGS OVER INDIVIDUAL PRODUCT PURCHASE.
Selenium+Iodine - 90 Tabs - Selenometh-Iodine Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic Selenium+Iodine - 90 Tabs - Selenometh-Iodine Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic
Selenium + Iodine - 90 Tabs - Selenometh-Iodine $25.46
Selenometh-Iodine and Selenium + Iodine ARE THE SAME PRODUCT NOTE: Dr. Conners does NOT recommend that ANY people with low thyroid or known Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroid take ANY iodine supplementation. We realize that this may be contrary to popular (outdated) opinion but iodine has been shown to WORSEN those with thyroid disorders. Please see Dr. Conners Chronic Disease and Autoimmune COURSE, Module 6 for more data and research backing up this information.   Ingredients: Iodine from Kelp (3mg) Selenium (200mcg) Sugar free, starch free, salt free, preservative free, wheat free, soy free, milk derivative free, no artificial colors or flavors or additives Potential Benefits: Regulates metabolic rate improves organ function regulates sleep cycle helps form healthy skin, teeth and hair prevents stillbirths or neurocognitive conditions like cretinism in newborn babies Boosts the immune system reduces the occurance of fibrocystic breast disease anti-carcinogenic properties improves removal of toxins and chemicals Description: This is a food-based form of Iodine and Selenium that is good for those deficient in such. Selenometh-Iodine / Selenium + Iodine - is a powerful combination of two critical minerals, iodine and selenium. The iodine in this product is sourced from sea kelp, which is a natural source of vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, and E, as well as minerals including zinc, magnesium, iron, potassium, copper, and calcium. Selenium and iodine are vitally important for the function of the thyroid gland and are especially important during pregnancy. Selenium also has the potential to influence immune response via selenoproteins. Several studies demonstrate its ability to help combat viral and bacterial infections. NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 
IP6 - 240 caps Hope Science Supplement - Conners Clinic IP6 - 240 caps Hope Science Supplement - Conners Clinic
Hope Science
IP6 - 240 caps $72.00
Whole Body Immune Support With Natures Most Potent Antioxidant IP6 Health is the patented combination of one molecule of inositol and one molecule of IP6. Therefore IP6 Health has twice as many molecules of inositol than pure IP6 has on its own. The two molecules combined complement each other’s actions and are more potent as a team, as IP6 Health. Bone Health Rich in the bone building nutrients; calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Recent research indicates that this largely unknown nutrient may be the secret to healthy bones. Immune Function Shown to enhance immune function (for which a US patent was awarded) by boosting the activity of natural killer cells and maintaining normal cell growth.* We use 2 different product labels for this and you may receive one or the other, depending on what we have in stock. Kidney Health Studies have shown that IP6 may reduce calcium in the urine and inhibit calcium oxalate crystal formation. Heart Health IP6 has been shown to support normal cholesterol levels. IP6 offers maximum results by providing both intracellular and extracellular antioxidant protection to neutralize potential threats. Read more about Cancer and IP6 Free Download - The 7 Phases of Detox
-10% Our Price
Phosphatidylcholine - BodyBio PC - 100 CAPSULES Body Bio Supplement - Conners Clinic Phosphatidylcholine - BodyBio PC - 100 CAPSULES Body Bio Supplement - Conners Clinic
Body Bio
Phosphatidylcholine - BodyBio PC - 100 CAPSULES $116.33 $129.00
The health of your cells depends on PC. Of the tens of thousands of molecules that make up the life of a cell, Phosphatidylcholine (PC) stands apart; probably the most important one of all. BodyBio PC is made of pure phospholipids which automatically form liposomes in the body. Non-liposomal PC, such as lecithin, is broken down by digestion, preventing the positive impact PC has on improving your cellular health. BodyBio PC is a non-GMO, pure liposomal phospholipid complex, meaning the pure phospholipids are not  broken apart and are instantly utilized, rebuilding every cell in your body. BodyBio PC contains concentrated levels of: Phosphatidylcholine (PC) - essential for memory Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) - vital to mitochondrial function Phosphatidylinositol (PI) - supportive to the brain and neurotransmission Approximately 60% of the brain is fat. Low levels of Phosphatidylcholine (PC) in the body impacts the brain and heart, affecting memory, mental alertness, behavior, and focus. Free Download - The 7 Phases of Detox
Clear SBI Pro - 5.3 oz Powder Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic Clear SBI Pro - 5.3 oz Powder Conners Clinic Supplement - Conners Clinic
Conners Clinic
Clear SBI Pro - 5.3 oz Powder $126.90
SBI Protect is the only purified, dairy-free source of immunoglobulin G (IgG) available as a dietary supplement. Pure IgG helps to maintain a healthy intestinal immune system by binding a broad ranges of microbes and toxins within the gut lumen. Clear SBI Protect provides concentrated immunoglobulins to enhance mucosal immunity, help maintain microbial balance, support GI barrier health and integrity and also helps maintain normal inflammatory balance. Ingredients Serum-Derived Bovine (Immunoglobulin Concentrate) Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Does Not Contain Gluten, corn, yeast, artificial colors or flavors. Potential Benefits/Discussion The discovery that the gut barrier plays a key role in immune health fueled the search to strengthen it. In that search, researchers found that the binding capabilities of immunoglobulins have a positive effect on gut barrier function. Immunoglobulins bind microbes and toxins in the GI tract and eliminate them prior to immune system activation. As these unwanted triggers are removed, it resets healthy immune tolerance and builds a stronger barrier to the external environment. SBI and GI Health - SBI has been shown to bind microbes and toxins, further enhancing microbiome balance and facilitating gut barrier strength. Broad-spectrum binding capabilities demonstrate the positive influence of non-allergenic forms of immunoglobulins. As seen in several studies, SBI has the potential to bind many types of microbes and toxins. This binding and elimination decreases microbe and toxin encounters by the immune system and resets immune tolerance. SBI and Immune Health - In studies evaluating the effect of SBI on immune function, subjects showed positive outcomes in several areas, including inflammatory balance, gut barrier function and immune cell counts. In an open-label human clinical study, GI-challenged patients were given 2.5 mg SBI twice daily. They had increased CD4+ counts in the duodenum after eight weeks, indicating a regenerative effect on the tissue and immune function in the intestines. NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  Directions Take 1 scoop (2.5 grams) in 4 ounces of water or the beverage of your choice 2 times daily or as recommended by your health care professional. Free Download - The 7 Phases of Detox
-3% Our Price
Apricot Power - B17/Amygdalin 500 mg Capsules Apricot Power Supplement - Conners Clinic Apricot Power - B17/Amygdalin 500 mg Capsules Apricot Power Supplement - Conners Clinic
Apricot Power
Apricot Power - B17/Amygdalin 500 mg Capsules $97.99 $99.99
Product Details Ingredients - 100 capsules per bottle of 500mg per capsule DO NOT CONFUSE THIS WITH THE 100mg Capsules Ingredients: Amygdalin, Magnesium Stearate (vegetable source), Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) (Veggie Capsule). What is B17? B17, also known as amygdalin, is a substance found naturally in over 1200 different foods including the seeds of many fruits (such as apricots, plums, cherries, oranges, nectarines, apples and peaches) and many kinds of raw nuts. Our natural B17 supplement is extracted from apricot seeds. Vitamin B-17 was the name given to the purified form of this molecule by biochemist Ernst T Krebs in 1952. The synthetic form of B17 is called "laetrile" and while it is chemically similar to B17, they are two different compounds. Why is B17 Important? A balanced diet is essential to a healthy life, and few of us consume enough vitamins and minerals from the foods we eat. B17 contains powerful immunity-boosting properties to strengthen your body's natural defenses.

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Hand-Selected by Dr. Kevin Conners

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Trusted Source of Nutrition

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