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Support proper adrenal function and endocrine coordination. This comprehensive formula contains not only the needed adrenal substance but the supportive nutrients, cofactors and herbs to really make a sustained change in the function and health of the total system.
1-2 tablets a day, or as directed.
The proper function of the adrenals is crucial to a number of physiological functions, including regulation of blood sugar levels, stress adaption, energy generation, stamina, and the normal function of the body’s natural defense system. ADR Complex contains key ingredients to support adrenal function.
With our synergistic blend of Pantothenic acid, Vitamin C, Adrenal and Pituitary substance, Barberry root, and Blessed Thistle, the adrenals are stimulated and supported into rehabilitation.
The adrenals generate the energy necessary to perform strenuous or lengthy tasks, deal with emotional crisis, and fight infection. Pantothenic acid, also known as Vitamin B5, is a component of coenzyme A –an essential coenzyme in a variety of reactions that sustain life. CoA is required for chemical reactions that generate energy from food (fat, carbohydrates, and proteins).
Vitamin B6 must be obtained from the diet because humans cannot synthesize it. These vitamins work together to sustain proper chemical reactions and support the adrenals in providing the proper energy for our lives.
Adrenals control and regulate the body’s self-defense mechanisms against stress, reacting to any stimuli which upsets normal function and disturbs mental or physical health. To repair damage to adrenals, adrenal and pituitary substances react with the stimulants Barberry root and Blessed Thistle to support and rebuild the adrenal glands in order to regain proper performance.
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