EMF Harmony products are based on a bio-energetic approach to health developed in Europe and feature a unique dual-level technology that offers effective protection from the damaging effects of EMF radiation and support for the body's health in its presence. The first level of action is a Direct Technology that harmonizes the negative energetic frequencies of the electromagnetic radiation to minimize its health impact. The second level of action is an Adaptive Technology that supports the cells in your body as they are stressed by the radiation, bringing their energy to an optimal level for good health. The EMF Harmony technology operates at the sub-atomic level, so it does not block or alter the actual electromagnetic frequencies, allowing your electronic devices to operate normally.
Quantum Physics and Energy

During the 19th century the development of quantum theory by scientists including Erwin Schrodinger, Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Niels Bohr, and others turned classical science on its head. Quantum mechanics is today widely used in both science and industry – especially in the field of technology. The validity of quantum theory is undisputed by even conventional scientists, but its implications and the unanswered questions that it creates are still hotly debated.
Quantum theory has led to the conclusion that there is a “field” of energy at the sub-atomic level – in other words at a level even smaller than atoms, which are generally the smallest particles that are physically measurable. Atoms emerge from and dissolve into this quantum energy field. This is where quantum theory becomes controversial with conventional scientists, because the quantum energy field is not measurable with classical scientific devices or explainable with classical scientific theory, and so there is still much about it that is not understood.
There are, however, a number of scientists who have been researching the intersection of quantum theory and human biology since the advent of quantum theory. Many of the leading researchers in the area of quantum field energy and human health have been or are based in Germany, Austria, and Russia. The technology behind the EMF Harmony products is largely based on their work. Examples of the scientists and researchers whose work has contributed to the EMF Harmony technology include Wilhelm Reich, Nicola Tesla, Hartmut Mueller, Prof. Fritz-Albert Popp, and Dr. Noemi Kempe – to name just a few.
After close to 100 years of research, experimentation, and practical application of quantum theory to human biology and health, it has been discovered that human biology is directly influenced by activity in the quantum energy field, including the activity of biophotons. This emerging field of research and healthcare is often referred to as biofield science. The Consciousness & Healing Initiative (CHI) has done an nice job of defining biofield science (from their excellent website which you may find here):
"Allopathy, the dominant form of Western medicine, views the human body mainly as a machine with interacting fixable parts called organs and chemical pathways, which can be modified by surgery and drugs to restore and maintain healthy function. Biofield Science explores the view that molecules, cells, and organs of living systems communicate via fields of energy and information that serve as additional means of self-regulation to maintain health. The biofield hypothesis suggests that biofield activity is a normal ongoing health-promoting function of the body, and that intentional alteration of the biofield can regulate health processes via pathways that mediate aspects of our physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being."
Thus the basis of the EMF Harmony technology is the ability to collect, store, and transmit “information” to the human biofield. This information is essentially energy of a certain vibrational frequency, which will then interact with and influence the human body through the biofield – which also consists of vibrating energy.
This entire field of bio-energetic research is of course still controversial in the realm of conventional science because, as mentioned above, it is not measurable or explainable with classical scientific methods. It is, however, used every day in every corner of the world in practical application for supporting human health, generally of course in the realm of “alternative” medicine. This is changing though – see below for a discussion of the now widely accepted healthcare treatment of acupuncture, which is based on bio-energetic principles.
For further reading, here are some articles related to bio-energetic research that may be of interest:
- Biofield Physiology: A Framework for an Emerging Discipline
- Biophoton interaction in biological systems: evidence of photonic info-energy transfer?
- An Overview of Biofield Devices
Vibrational Energy - EMF Harmony Direct Technology
The research behind quantum theory and biology has demonstrated that everything living vibrates at a very specific frequency. Every cell in our body has an individual vibrational pattern. The atoms that make up our cells, which are constantly in motion, create morphic fields through which everything in our body is connected. These fields encompass the physical and psychological components reflected in all living things.
Based on the application of this research, an EMF Harmony product stores energetic information and transmits it as vibrational frequencies at the sub-atomic level to the environment surrounding it. These energetic vibrations are designed to create interference with the vibrational frequencies of the surrounding environment and therefore influence or alter it.
The Direct Technology in the EMF Harmony products creates specific vibrational frequencies that harmonize the frequencies found in electromagnetic radiation. The result is the formation of more natural and harmonious energy frequencies that the body will recognize as normal or even beneficial - as opposed to the stressful / harmful energy from non-harmonized radiation. Thus, the technology directly acts to harmonize, or neutralize, the EMF radiation at the quantum level.
Energy and our Cells - EMF Harmony Adaptive Technology

Very narrow micro-currents (with approximately 60-70 microamps) flow through our bodies along organized paths and ensure our well-being. Injuries, various illnesses, as well as EMF radiation, disturb or interrupt this energy flow and lower the voltage in our cells. “Non-health" is thus often caused by disturbances at the cellular level that result in decreased electrical current to our cells.
Photons are elementary particles that carry energy associated with electromagnetic radiation. Biophotons are the smallest measurable energy particles within living organisms, and they play a central role in optimizing the voltage of our cells.
The Adaptive Technology in EMF Harmony products contains energetic information that when transmitted to the body's biofield will promote the optimization of the energy within it, as well as transmit biophotons to the the body's cells. This activity in turn increases the cells’ voltage to a more optimal level for good health, offering further protection from the health damaging effects of electromagnetic radiation. Thus the technology adapts to your unique energetic requirements through the biofield to the cellular level.
The EMF Harmony Process
As mentioned, the EMF Harmony technology is based on principles of quantum physics, specifically characteristics of the quantum field. The quantum field is populated by subatomic particles – i.e. entities that are smaller than atoms and not directly observable. These particles are energetic in nature (like a photon) and have an associated wavelength and frequency (which we may refer to as their vibrational energy). The wave-like properties of these energetic particles cause complex interactions with other particles through the concept of interference. Interference can cause amplification or attenuation of the particles' waves base on their frequencies. One such example of wave attenuation is noise-canceling headphones, which rely on destructive interference to cancel out external acoustic waves.
Thus at a fundamental level the EMF Harmony technology is based upon influencing the vibrational energy of elementary particles in the quantum field. Since all matter is presumed to contain corresponding or pre-existing particles / energy in the quantum field (which we will refer to as energetic information), by manipulating the vibrational energy of elementary particles one may influence the matter which they encounter or which emerges from them. Thus creating, storing, and transmitting energetic information in and through the quantum field is the primary mechanism of action.
The basic elements of EMF Harmony technology are:
- Through a combination of computation and testing, energetic information is developed that interacts with the energy / particles in the quantum field to create a desired effect in certain elements of matter in the surrounding environment (for example the energy of electromagnetic radiation or the energy of human cells).
- This energetic information is transmitted to and stored in the materials of which the EMF Harmony products are made. The materials are carefully chosen for their ability to hold the information, as not all substrates are appropriate for this purpose. The materials themselves do not influence the functional activity of the devices, however, they are simply carriers of the energetic information which creates the functional action.
- Once the energetic information is stored in the materials, it emits vibrations at certain frequencies that cause resonance or dissonance with other quantum field energy in their environment. This interaction at the sub-atomic level in the quantum field is what ultimately creates the desired effects in the targeted matter, e.g. harmonization of the vibrational energy of EMF radiation or of physiological conditions in the human body through the biofield.
Measuring the Effects
Since the activity of the EMF Harmony products functions at the sub-atomic level, it is not possible to physically measure it with standard scientific instruments. It is possible, however, to measure the physiological effects created by their use. One example of this a heart rate variability (HRV) test. HRV is the measure of the change in time intervals between two consecutive heartbeats, and with the help of an HRV machine we can measure and analyze data about the heartbeats to get information about health variables like stress, cellular regeneration, and cellular age in a test subject.
The figure below shows measurements taken with a Nilas MV HRV device. On the left are readings after a 5 minute unprotected cell phone call, and on the right are readings after a 5 minute cell phone call with the EMF Harmony Harmonizer+. The top figures show the test subject’s central neuro hormonal system regulation, which improved from a measurement of 30 to 64. The bottom figures show the subject’s energy reserves and utilization, with the blue squares indicating anabolic and the red catabolic processes. These results improved from a measurement of 21 / 26 after the 5 minute unprotected call to 86 / 94 after a 5 minute call using the Harmonizer+.
You can find a full HRV study and much additional research documenting the positive physiological effects of the EMF Harmony products on the Research page of our website.
Is this Science?
As mentioned earlier, the concepts underlying quantum mechanics are still emerging and are controversial. In particular, the inability to directly measure the activity in the sub-atomic (quantum) field leads many scientists to question its validity. However, the activity of this field and its energetic effects on the human body have been recognized and used for thousands of years.
An example of this is acupuncture, which is now generally recognized as an effective health treatment and offered in most hospitals and covered by most insurance plans. Acupuncture is an ancient practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine used to correct bio-energetic imbalances in the body by directing energy flow through meridian pathways in the body. Electromagnetic activity associated with this energy flow and the meridian points can be measured, but where the energy comes from, what kind of energy it is, and what the meridians actually are is still unknown to Western medicine – because it all happens at the sub-atomic level.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine this sub-atomic energy is called Chi (or Qi), and in ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine it is called Prana. They both refer to energy based on vibrational frequencies that operates in what is now called the human biofield, and its unmistakable effects on human health have been recognized and manipulated by Chinese and Indian doctors for centuries. The development of quantum theory has brought science – especially biology – directly into contact with these age-old medical practices.
So the technology underlying the EMF Harmony products works on a bio-energetic level that is both old and new – old in that it has been recognized and used for centuries, new in that science has only recently begun to wrap its arms around it. But the scientists referenced above, through almost 100 years of research and practice, have found ways to collect, store, and transmit bio-energetic information at the sub-atomic level. They have also discovered many mediums on which the information can be stored – including water, metal, and rubber to name a few.
The EMF Harmony technology thus leverages these techniques to store energetic information within the products, which is subsequently released into the energetic field of the environment into which they come into contact – be it the wiring of a building or automobile, a cell phone or other electronic device, or a human body. The information in turn creates the dual-level effects with the Direct Technology and Adaptive Technology outlined above by altering the vibrational frequencies of the energetic fields within its targeted environment.
You Can Use Your Electronic Devices
Computers, cell phones, WiFi routers, and other devices that emit electromagnetic radiation are a part of our lives today. For most of us, we cannot survive without them. Since EMF Harmony technology operates at the sub-atomic level, it does not impact the physically measurable electromagnetic frequencies of the electronic devices you use. The electromagnetic frequencies are not blocked or altered, therefore they continue to function normally. We always recommend that you minimize your exposure to electromagnetic radiation as much as possible, but it is clearly not possible to eliminate it completely in our modern world. With EMF Harmony products you can continue to live with the electronic devices that you rely upon, but still protect the health of your body.
European Technology and Quality
The technology behind EMF Harmony products was developed and is actively used in Europe, where the emerging science behind the bio-energetic approach to health originated and is still being researched and practiced every day. The EMF Harmony products themselves are also designed and made in Europe, in a facility that has been making bio-energetic health products for over 20 years. They are of the highest quality and craftsmanship, and the technology is applied in a highly specialized workshop, not a factory.
Try This at Home

A simple way to demonstrate the energetic effect of an EMF Harmony product is the lemon juice test with one of our bracelets. If you taste lemon juice that has been exposed to one of these EMF Harmony products you should notice less bitterness and acidity since its energy has been harmonized. Here is how to do the test:
- Choose two identical glasses and place them at least two feet from each other.
- Wrap your EMF Harmonizer Mobility around the bottom of one of the glasses.
- Fill the two glasses with the same amount of undiluted natural lemon juice.
- Wait at least one minute, and then taste the difference!