Ovulation Assist 60 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic Ovulation Assist 60 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic
Ovulation Assist 60 Capsules. * $37.99
Clinical Applications: Normal ovulation is a function of a healthy and balanced body and supports fertile menstrual cycles; this adaptogenic botanical formula supports the body’s natural processes. * Description:   Ovulation Assist offers adaptogenic botanicals in support of healthy and normal ovulation by supporting the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian-adrenal axis.* Shatavari is an Ayurvedic herb traditionally used as a female health tonic; it offers antioxidant and hormone balancing support with stress management benefits and is calming for the uterus.* Tribulus promotes healthy testosterone production and therefore healthy ovarian reserves; supports normal ovulation function * Chaste tree berry promotes optimal hormone balance, normal ovulation and good communication between the brain and ovaries. * Rhodiola rosea promotes normal and healthy ovulation as well as optimal adrenal function and supports wellbeing under stress. * Holy basil leaf supports healthy and optimal blood sugar, a component of healthy ovulation; traditionally used to support overall calm and healthy stress resistance.*  
OvaBlend 180 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic OvaBlend 180 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic
OvaBlend 180 Capsules. * $55.45
Promotes optimal Ovarian function and activity* Clinical Applications: Supports healthy ovarian function* Supports healthy blood sugar* Description:  This formula compliments nutritional and exercise programs to promote healthy hormone levels, healthy insulin response and normal healthy ovulation. * Featured Ingredients: Chromium and NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine) show supportive research in promoting healthy glucose tolerance levels and insulin response. * Cinnamon supports regular menses and a healthy metabolic response, especially in women with endocrine challenges. * Certain natural substances promote stimulation of sex hormone binding globulin, in turn maintaining healthy androgen levels; we’ve included: Nettles root and Green tea. * Saw palmetto promotes inhibited activity of 5 alpha reductase, thereby maintaining healthy testosterone levels. * Sarsaparilla promotes a progesterone-like effect, a potential important factor for women looking for ovarian support. *  
Optinositol 30 Servings Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic Optinositol 30 Servings Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic
Optinositol 30 Servings. * $42.95
Ovulation and blood sugar support * Clinical Applications: Optinositol® offers both Myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol in support of normal, healthy ovulation and maintenance of healthy insulin levels. * Description: Myo-inositol supports healthy ovulation regulation; maintains healthy levels of total and free testosterone; maintains healthy insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake* D-chiro-inositol maintains healthy total and free testosterone, androstenedione and prolactin; supports healthy ovulation regulation;maintains healthy insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake *D-chiro-inositol maintains healthy total and free testosterone, androstenedione and prolactin; supports healthy ovulation regulation;maintains healthy insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake* Myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol support healthy oocyte quality* Research indicates these two forms of inositol together are more supportive for maintaining insulin sensitivity than one form alone*  
Opti-Recovery 60 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic Opti-Recovery 60 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic
Opti-Recovery 60 Capsules. * $30.49
Healthy Tissue Response* Clinical Applications: Supports tissue health* Description:  Supports a healthy tissue response* Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins supporting skin and connective tissue; it is a building block of collagen. * Vitamin A is a prominent antioxidant supporting healthy tissues; we utilize a full complement of carotenoids, called Pro-Vitamin A. * Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K are key ingredients in maintaining healthy tissues, especially post trauma. * Bromelain a proteolytic enzyme to support healthy muscle tissue * Bioflavonoids play a role in maintaining healthy cells * Echinacea is included for its immune supportive properties*  
Nausea Ease 60 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic Nausea Ease 60 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic
Nausea Ease 60 Capsules. * $22.99
Supports the digestive tract due to morning sickness or general nausea* Description:   For those experiencing nausea, and general morning sickness during pregnancy, this formula is excellent to support normal digestive and intestinal functions. Also appropriate for any general mild to moderate gastrointestinal upset. * Featured Ingredients: Vitamin B6 has shown in research to promote relief from morning sickness, although best used in combination with other ingredients * Vitamin K and Vitamin C used together have shown excellent support for relief of nausea* Ginger has a long tradition of supporting the entire digestive system, and especially in promoting relief from morning sickness. It also has an excellent safety profile and is safe for use during pregnancy* Peppermint and Lemon balm are traditionally used gentle herbs supportive for the stomach*  
MindBlend 60 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic MindBlend 60 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic
MindBlend 60 Capsules. * $41.75
Clinical Applications: Supports mental function, mental clarity, and overall cognition by providing nutrients promoting circulation to the brain, healthy brain tissues and overall healthy cellular activity. * Description:   Based on the most up-to date research in support of healthy mental function and cognition, this formula of nutrients and botanicals. * Research indicates positive cellular antioxidant support from Vitamin C& Vitamin E in the brain. * Phosphatidylserine supports brain cell membrane integrity. * Methylated Folic acid and Vitamin B12 support phosphatidylserine production. * Choline is an essential nutrient and promotes brain and nervous system function. * Cellular and circulatory herbal support: Ginkgo biloba, Ginseng root and Gotu kola herb. * Rhodiola offers central nervous system support and positive research supporting cognition, memory, and attention span. * Bacopa is a traditionally used Ayurvedic plant used in support of memory and mental cognition. It is thought to have antioxidant and adaptogenic support for the central nervous system. *  
Mid-Life Symmetry 180 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic Mid-Life Symmetry 180 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic
Mid-Life Symmetry 180 Capsules. * $52.75
Multi-Vitamin Mineral for ages 50-65 years of age Clinical Applications: Developed for women 50-65 years of age, this multivitamin/mineral complex offers a thoughtful blend of nutrients in support of the body during a natural change in a woman's life. Description:   Featured Ingredients: Higher amount of Vitamin D supporting healthy bones, a healthy immune system and a healthy cardiovascular system. * More Calcium supporting healthy bone structure and architecture. * Optimal Methylated Folic acid (L-5-MTHF) levels promoting healthy brain tissue, and offering bone support and cardiovascular support. * Provides Natural Mixed Carotenoids for a full spectrum of carotenes in their natural mixed forms; no synthetics. * Utilizing Buffered Vitamin C because it is easier on the stomach. * Bioflavonoids offer antioxidant support to all the tissues, including skin and uterine tissues. * Green Tea is added for its antioxidant and cellular support. * L-Theanine adds a level of calming support to address the possible stressors accompanying this time of hormonal change. *  
Maternal Symmetry 180 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic Maternal Symmetry 180 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic
Maternal Symmetry 180 Capsules. * $46.95
Prenatal Multivitamin Clinical Applications: A high quality prenatal multi-vitamin mineral offering comprehensive support of key nutritional needs for mother and developing baby before pregnancy, in the planning and preparation stages, during pregnancy, and after while breastfeeding. Description:  Featured Ingredients: Includes gentle forms of Iron Pro Vitamin A is a blend of natural mixed carotenoids yielding a safe source of vitamin A for pregnant women, without retinyl palmitate. Higher amount of Folic acid supports mother and fetus in development; we use the more bioavailable Methylated folate acid (L-5-MTHF). * Botanicals included are safe during pregnancy to support uterine tone, healthy digestion, additional nourishment from mineral rich herbs, and promote calming: Partridge berry, Ginger, Nettles leaf, Lemon balm, Oatstraw, and Dandelion root. *  
Lysine Extra 60 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic Lysine Extra 60 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic
Lysine Extra 60 Capsules. * $20.95
Membrane Immune Support* Clinical Applications: Supports Mucous membranes* Immune support* Antioxidant support* Description:  Utilizing clinical data, botanical research and nutritional research studies, this formula has been developed for its viral-specific immune system support and membrane support.*   Featured Ingredients: L-lysine is an amino acid shown in research to support healthy immune system function better than placebo* Lemon balm has shown to have beneficial supportive immune system function within six days* Vitamin C offers antioxidant activity for immune system support* Oregon Grape root and Myrrh have a long traditional use in support of healthy immune system function; Astragalus is another popular traditionally used immune supportive herb, especially for deep immune system support and healthy maintenance*  
Luminous 60 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic Luminous 60 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic
Luminous 60 Capsules. * $20.95
  Description:  Luminous is a comprehensive hair, skin and nails support formula. It provides the minerals, and nutrient-rich botanicals supportive for collagen and circulation for healthy, glowing skin and hair.* Vitamin C is required for collagen production in the body, promoting skin and hair elasticity and strength * Minerals such as Selenium, Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium and Silica promote healthy and resilient hair, skin and nails. Selenium and zinc also offer antioxidant support * Biotin is one of the best well known nutrients for hair and nail support * Gotu kola promotes circulation of nutrients to tissues; Nettles is rich in mineral content; Horsetail is high in silica; Additional Silica is also included * Rosemary is traditionally used for hair health maintenance, and Oatstraw is included for its tonic support on the nerves surrounding the hair follicles *  
-9% Our Price
Iron Extra™ 60 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic Iron Extra™ 60 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic
Iron Extra™ 60 Capsules * $22.99 $24.99
Red Blood Cell Support* Clinical Applications: Supports Healthy blood iron levels* Supports Energy* Description:  Holistic red blood cell support featuring more absorbable and gentler forms of iron as well as supportive herbs and vitamins. Featured Ingredients: • Elemental Iron in each capsule is 25 mg from ferrous aspartate, ferrous succinate and ferrous fumarate ‐ these gentler forms of iron are easier on the stomach and less constipating* • Includes Vitamin C to promote enhanced iron absorption* • Traditionally used herbs for maintaining iron stores in the blood include: Yellow dock, Dandelion and Nettles; these are mineral rich herbs and they support easier bowel tolerance of the elemental iron* • Vitamins B12 and Methylated Folic acid (L‐5‐MTHF) offer a well‐rounded approach to supporting and maintaining healthy red blood cells*  
Immune Tonic 4 oz Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic Immune Tonic 4 oz Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic
Immune Tonic 4 oz. * $26.99
Elderberry/Echinacea Berry Immune Support Clinical Applications: Supports a Healthy Immune system* Description:   Tasty Tonics® are concentrated liquid herbal formulas designed to actually taste great and encourage compliance for daily use. Immune Tonic ™ supports the immune system with two types of echinacea and black elderberry. Packaged in beautiful green glass.*Featured Ingredients:Two kinds of Echinacea – angustifolia & purpurea are included for added immune support from one of the most researched herbs to support a healthy immune system. *Elderberry also has a long tradition of immune system support as well as modern research in favor of this time-honored herb. *The delicious flavor that comes naturally from Elderberry combines well with natural berry flavors. With a touch of honey, this formula is easy to take undiluted. Try adding it to a smoothie or plain, whole yogurt. Delicious!  
Fibro Formula 60 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic Fibro Formula 60 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic
Fibro Formula 60 Capsules. * $52.49
Clinical Applications: Supports the normal and healthy functions in the brain and body to maintain homeostasis in relation to balanced neurotransmitter/neuromuscular processes and responses. * Description:   Fibro Formula maintains healthy neurotransmitter levels impacting select brain receptors responsible for processing sensation in the neuromuscular system. * Magnesium is an essential mineral, responsible for numerous functions in the brain and body; supporting healthy levels maintains muscular and neuromuscular relaxation as well as healthy overall brain/body functions. * PEA (palmitoylethanolimide) is an endogenous fatty acid amide produced naturally in the body and also found naturally in some foods. PEA has been shown to maintain a healthy response to stimuli and is increasingly being used to support homeostasis of the neuromuscular system. * 5-HTP assists in the production and breakdown of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine – brain hormones responsible for maintaining healthy mood and stimuli responses. * Saffron supports an inhibitory effect on serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake which can therefore support maintenance of the body and the brain's normal and natural process of response to stimuli and stress. *  
-22% Our Price
Fem Vitality 60 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic Fem Vitality 60 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic
Fem Vitality 60 Capsules * $36.99 $46.99
On Sale This Month - $10 Off! Libido Support* Clinical Applications: Daily Libido support for women* Promotes healthy sexual function in women* Promotes vaginal Lubrication* Promotes sexual sensitivity in women* Description:  A botanical combination to bring forth the historical/traditional uses of three of the most important plants supporting libido in women, but also now documented in the research for promoting sexual function in women.*  Featured Ingredients: Tribulus now shows documented research in significantly promoting several areas of sexual function in women including the domains of desire, arousal/lubrication and pleasure* Fenugreek also shows in research to promote free testosterone and estradiol and shows support of libido ‐ desire and arousal* Maca peruvianum is a traditionally used herb from South America, which also shows supportive research in promoting women’s sexual function*  
CranStat Extra® 60 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic CranStat Extra® 60 Capsules Vitanica Supplement - Conners Clinic
CranStat Extra® 60 Capsules. * $20.95
Urinary Tract Support* Clinical Applications: Promotes healthy bladder function* Maintains a healthy urinary tract* Promotes soothing to bladder tissues* Contains herbal Diuretics * Description:  Scientific research and traditional herbal medicine are integrated to provide this unique formula. Cranberry has been documented in promoting healthy bladder wall tissue. Oregon grape, marshmallow, buchu, pipsissewa, and uva ursi combine to form an effective and reliable formula for a healthy bladder and urinary tract.* Featured Ingredients: • Featuring a 25:1 Cranberry extract – this is not your ordinary cranberry extract • Research on Uva ursi and Pipsissewa offer supportive evidence towards these traditionally used herbs in maintaining healthy bladder and urinary tract function* • Buchu leaf offers diuretic and tonic support; while Oregon grape root promotes immune health for these delicate tissues* • Marshmallow root offers comfort with its highly mucilaginous content, making it a naturally supportive tonic for bladder tissue*  

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