Greens First
Greens First Pro - Original Flavor
A Great, Whole-Food, Multi-Vite
Organic Greens Blend(barley grass, chlorella, spirulina)
Organic Vegetable Blend(carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, parsley, kale)
Sunflower Lecithin Powder
OxiSure Proprietary Blend(carrot root, green tea, plum, grape seed, tart cherry, broccoli, 'HiActives' tomato 2000, 'HiActives' carrot 1200, 'HiActives' spinach 700, 'HiActives' kale, pine bark extract, 'HiActives' brussel sprout, cranberry, raspberry, blueberry)
Proprietary Fiber Blend(oat betaglucan, apple fiber pectin, brown rice bran)
Certified Organic Sprouted Barley
Enzyme Blend(bromelain, papain, protease, amylase, lipase, cellulase, lactase)
Proprietary ResveraMax Blend(polygonum cuspidatum extract, acerola cherry powder, concord grape powder)
Stevia Leaf Extract (sweetener)
Green Tea Extract
Milk Thistle Seed Extract
Organic Red Beet Powder
Organic Cinnamon Bark Powder
Organic Aloe Leaf Powder
Tumeric Rhizome Extract
Probiotic Blend(bifidobacterium longum, bifidobacterium breve, bifidobacterium infantis, lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus rhamnosus, lactobacillus casei, lactobacillus ruteri)
Organic Atlantic Kelp Powder
Mangosteen Fruit Powder
Goji Berry Powder
Acai Berry Powder
Pomegranate Fruit Powder
Noni Fruit Powder
Licorice Root Extract
Greens First is a complete phytonutrient and antioxidant supplement that works synergistically in your body providing 49 different super foods, extracts and concentrates including super-greens, organic fruits & vegetables, probiotics, soluble and insoluble fibers, herbs, spices, natural flavonoids and digestive enzymes.
With today's busy lifestyles and fast food diets, you can't always get the recommended 7-13 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Plus, reports indicate that the nutritional quality of food has dropped considerably in the past 10-20 years as soils are depleted and lacking in essential minerals, vitamins and trace nutrients. Many foods are processed and in a box that robs them of more of their remaining nutritional value. And foods that are cooked lose still more nutrients.
That's where Greens First can help! Greens First is the best tasting and Non-GMO complete phytonutrient and antioxidant supplement that works synergistically in your body so you can be sure you are getting phytonutrients, antioxidants, and more that your body needs every day!

Conners Clinic
Turmero Clear - Whole Food Turmeric - 90 caps
Now changed to 90 Capsules per bottle with NEW formulation
Turmero Clear is a full-spectrum turmeric product that contains an exclusive blend of bioactive nutrients. It is a natural turmeric matrix standardized to contain curcuminoids, turmeric oils and turmerin protein, along with many other active turmeric compounds that deliver comprehensive support.
Turmero Clear offers a well-rounded blend of turmeric phytonutrients that help support normal inflammatory balance and strengthen immune reserves. The Complete Turmeric Matrix (CTM) formula provides comprehensive benefits and supports healthy breathing, cognitive function, gut and immune function. The molecular structure of CTM contributes to its bio-efficacy and maximizes its pleiotropic effects, making it an essential support to balance various biochemical pathways in our body. The Complete Turmeric Matrix is unique to Ortho Molecular Products where bio-efficacy is maintained as the ultimate focus in driving patient outcomes.
NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Biotics Research
FC-Cidal - 120 Caps
This product is on our Fire Sale of expired/soon to be expired products. But rest assured, they are still as potent for at least another 12-24 months!
Herbs, spices and botanical preparations often exhibit antimicrobial properties due to a wide array of terpenoid and polyphenolic compounds. Indeed, culinary herbs have long been used to control pests and food-borne yeasts and molds in the context of food safety.
FC-CidalTM contains the herbal preparations French tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus), Stinging Nettle extract (Urtica dioica), Indian tinospora (Tinospora cordifolia), Horsetail (Equisetum arvense), Olive (Olea europaea), Thyme ( Thymus vulgaris) and Pau D’ Arco ( Tabebuia impetiginosa).
Artemisia dracunculus (Tarragon)
A culinary herb yielding a characteristic aromatic oil, Artemisia yields a complex mixture of almost 50 different components. Its most potent constituents include anisaldehyde, paracymene, eugenol, liminene, linalool, menthol, cisocimene, alpha phellandrene, alpha pinene and beta pinene. The essential oil of Artemisia showed antagonistic activity toward the growth of E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphyloccocus aureus, Streptococcus faecalis and Yersinia in vitro.
Urtica dioica (Stinging Nettle Extract)
Urtica dioica, often called common nettle, stinging nettle or nettle leaf, is native to Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and western North America. Urtica dioica was studied on 16 skin and wound infections and was found to possess qualities to promote healing and bacterial homeostasis. In another interesting study, the extract from Urtica dioica demonstrated antagonistic activity toward specific biofilm production (SBF) in Escherichia coli BW25113.
Tinaspora cordifolia (Guduchi)
This herb has also been used traditionally in India. It contains bitter substances, giloin (a glycoside), gilenin, gilosterol and tinosporine. Ethanol extracts of T. cordifolia, in combination with several other herbs, had a minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 1 mg/ml when tested in vitro against Entamoeba histolytica. Using an in vitro assay system with Candida albicans as the test organism, the activity of rat macrophages was increased by the administration of T. cordifolia at a level of 100 mg/kg. It also induces production of interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, IL-12, IL-18, interferon-gamma, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and nonocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1.
Equisetum arvense (Horsetail)
In addition to a high percentage of silicates, horsetail contains a variety of polyphenols, such as agigenin and luteolin glycosides. These flavones are typical of American and Asian species, but not the European Equisetum species. This herb also contains quercetin, and more unusual polyphenolics, such as genkwanin and progenkwanin glycosides. Horsetail also contains sterols, such as beta sitosterol and campestrol, as primary sterol constituents.
Olea europaea (Olive leaf )
Various flavonoids and their glycosides have been isolated from olives and olive leaves, such as apigenin, luteolin, rutin and quercetin. Oleuropein, a bitter principle of olives, is a glucoside and phenolic ester of elenolate, which is a multifunctional monoterpene. In vitro studies demonstrated that elenolate possesses antiviral properties.
In a laboratory test, olive leaf water (0.66% w/v) extract killed almost all bacteria tested within three hours, and scanning electron microscopic observations of Escherichia coli cells exposed to only 0.6% (w/v) olive leaf extract showed complete destruction.
Thymus vulgaris (Thyme)
An aromatic culinary herb, thyme has long been used as a seasoning and food preservative. Thyme contains 1-2.5% as an aromatic oil enriched in monoterpenes. Thymol content of thyme oil can be 30 to 70% and carvacrol content ranges between3 and 15%. P-cymene, limonene and other terpenes are minor constituents. Thymol supports healthy microbial diversity. Volatile constituents of the aromatic oil of thyme influenced the growth of seven different Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Thyme also contains several polyphenolic compounds, such as eriodictyoland polyphenolic biphenyls, that exhibit potent antioxidant activity. Additional studies of lipid peroxidation in egg yolk, chicken liver, and muscle from mature chickens highlighted that the essential oil of thyme acted as a strong antioxidant in all of these systems.
The tricyclic derivative of lapachol and β-lapachone functions as an activator of the DNA unwinding enzyme, topoisomerase I, which is required for DNA repair. Among the naphthoquinones, β-lapachone was found to be the most effective in fostering the growth of healthy bacteria. β-lapachone also inhibited the expression of iNOS, proinflammatory cytokines, and MMPs (MMP-3, MMP-8, MMP-9) at mRNA and protein levels in LPS-stimulated microglia, which suggests its support of inflammation pathways. The antioxidant effects of β-LAP appear to be related with the increase of HO-1 and NQO1 via the Nrf2/antioxidant response element (ARE) pathway and/or the PKA pathway.
NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Conners Clinic
Clear GI - 225 Grams
Conners Clinic Originals Clear GI was reformulated and is now free of shellfish and xylitol. Clear GI offers comprehensive support for optimum gastrointestinal health and function. The lining of the gut must have proper permeability and integrity so it can not only absorb nutrients, but also prevent toxins, allergens and microbes from gaining access to the blood stream. Maintaining gut health is the key to maintaining overall wellness. GI Revive™ is available in capsule and powder form. The powder, which is sweetened with organic stevia, can be mixed into any beverage or functional food powder and can be used as part of a health program for achieving optimal GI health and regularity.
Clear GI is a comprehensive support of gastrointestinal health and function. Patients with poor gut integrity can easily develop food sensitivities and may have compromised nutrient assimilation.
Citrus Pectin
Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL)
Aloe Vera Extract
Slippery Elm
Okra Extract
Cat's Claw
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)
Prune Powder
Zinc Carnosine
Does Not Contain:
Gluten, dairy, or ingredients derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Potential Benefits/Discussion:
rejuvenates intestinal mucosal health
promotes proper intestinal ability (appropriate for “Leaky Gut”)
provides healing for ulceration and inflammation
promotes regularity and healthy bowel function
provides therapeutic levels of L-glutamine (but not "too much" for non-cancer patients), N-acetyl-glucosamine, MSM, DGL, slippery elm, marshmallow, chamomile, okra extract, cat’s claw (TOA-free), quercetin, and mucin for comprehensive support of optimal gastrointestinal health. Prune powder and citrus pectin are also included to aid regularity.
NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Cancer patients should not typically take this product.
Mix 8 grams (approximately 1 tablespoon) in water or other liquid per day, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
GI Revive Powder

U.S. Enzymes
Lumbroxym - 62 capsules
Dr. C's Hint: This may be GREAT to protect against blood clots!!!
Lumbroxym™ is a blend of the two systemic enzymes Lumbrokinase and Catalase with Astrazyme®, a proprietary blend that enhances enzyme absorption and activity.* Pure Lumbrokinase is difficult to source and a notably expensive proteolytic enzyme that has been shown to support cardiovascular and circulatory health.*
Serving Size: one (1) capsuleServings per bottle: 62
Suggested Use: Take one (1) capsule with a glass of water on an empty stomach (2 hours before or after meals). Consult with a healthcare professional for alternate dosing protocols.
NOTE: If you are taking a blood thinner or blood thinning products, consult a healthcare professional.
Learn more at https://www.connersclinic.com/lumbroxym-lumbrokinase-enzymes-and-heart-health/
NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Conners Clinic
Prenatal Complete - Whole Food Prenatal - 240 caps
Special Gift Idea - SAVE $15.00 per Bottle
When creating a prenatal supplement, one wants to pay particular attention to formulation of nutrients - whether they are from a whole food source or they are synthetic.
The vast majority of supplements on the market are synthetic:
Here’s the difference between synthetic and natural whole food vitamins:
Synthetic vitamins are made from chemicals to mimic the natural way your body absorbs nutrients from food.
Synthetic vitamins are more difficult for your body to absorb and some can even cause health issues (especially the B & E Vitamins and the minerals).
Whole food vitamins condense and concentrate the fruits and vegetables to make natural vitamins for your body.
Whole food vitamins are bioavailable and recognizable to your body.
We think our Prenatal Complete is the best prenatal supplement currently available. Using whole-food sources when possible and TRAACS and ALBION minerals, nothing else compares.
Newly reformulated Prenatal Complete contains a complete blend of specialized nutrients, essential vitamins and minerals in their highest-quality, activated forms specifically designed to meet the nutritional needs of women who are preparing for pregnancy or for those that are already pregnant or nursing.
Pregnancy is characterized not only by increased need for nutrients but also a physiologic increase in insulin resistance. This formulation now includes two forms of the insulin-balancing, powerful endogenous antioxidant, inositol – Myo-Inositol & D-Chiro-Inositol (Chirositol®) to help support this physiological change.1
Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) has been added for its reproductive-supportive attributes. Studies have shown that a rate-limiting factor in fertility is declining egg quality that accompanies aging. Loss of egg quality also accompanies declining levels of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). Administration of the NAD+ metabolic precursor nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) may rejuvenate oocyte quality in aged animals, leading to a possible restoration in fertility.2
This formulation also includes antioxidant support from bioflavonoids and digestive support with enzymes and herbs, including ginger, that are calming to the digestive tract.
NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Conners Clinic
Ground ME Gift Set
Great Gift at 20% Savings!
What You Receive:
1. One Grounding Mat for Your Bed or Chair - Half Sheet Size
2. One Hedron Phone Phone Harmonizer - 5G/EMF Blocker
3. One Faraday Phone Bag to block EMFs
Grounding Mat for Your Bed or Chair - Half Sheet Size
We recommend this to be used as seen in the picture (for one person) only if you are not using a Rife machine. If you are using a Rife, use this on the LOWER HALF of the bed ONLY (NOT as seen on this picture). If you have a double/queen/king bed, it would then cover both people (the lower half of body) for grounding.
Enjoy a deeper sleep and wake up feeling refreshed with this Grounding Sleep Mat. The Grounding Sleep Mat is designed to sit under a fitted sheet and cover the entire area of the body. The bed mat is made of a soft and 100% conductive carbon leatherette that feels great against the skin, and its larger surface area keeps it from wrinkling in the middle of the night.Dimensions: 27" x 72"
Hedron Phone Phone Harmonizer
Electromagnetic Frequency Phone/Computer RF Shield
NEW NEW NEW - 5G Protection
Our Newly upgraded and enhanced 5G ELITE cell phone harmonizer features all of the same great benefits as our original cell shield with added Human Performance Technology. It is 1/3 the thickness of our original shield allowing it to fit under more cases, and it is also JUST as effective whether placed on the phone or the outside of the case.
Hedron 5G Elite Cell Shield with Human Performance Technology (HPT): Introducing the Hedron 5G Elite Cell Phone Shield. The only technology on the market able to pass the 3rd party testing by CIEMS (California Institute Of Electronics and Materials Sciences) proven and certified to shield 99.80% of aberrant EMF by up to 9.375G.
Faraday Phone Bag to block EMFs
Slim, Lightweight RF Anti-Radiation Protection for Cell Phone
Our Original Faraday EMF Cell Phone Shield Bag uses specialty material to block EMF frequencies and RF waves from your phone! We designed this EMF cover most phones at 8.5” x 4”. You can even leave it by your bedside and slip your phone in it at night!
The high RF absorbent material incorporates the Faraday cage technology developed by Michael Faraday in the 1940’s. From a physics stand point a Faraday cage does not allow the high frequency electro magnetic waves to pass through the parallel lines of the copper material due to the field effect whether it is grounded or not.
NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Conners Clinic
Holiday Allergy Bundle
Great Stocking Stuffer at 20% Holiday Savings!
What you receive:
1. One Bottle of our Clear Histamine Scavenger
2. One Bottle of our Clear Hist
3. One Box of our Hista Clear DAO Enzyme
Clear Histamine Scavenger
When you’re choosing to decrease the levels of histamine in your diet, it’s just that: decreasing. It is simply impossible (and actually unnecessary) to try to eliminate histamines. They’re everywhere. However what you can do, and should focus on, is reducing your intake of high histamine foods along with combining foods that are low in histamine with other foods can help break down and clear histamine from the body. Use this list to help lower your histamine load.
Using products like our Histamine Scavenger can greatly reduce one's symptoms of excess histamine. This is one of our BEST selling products with the number of people RE-purchasing at the highest - meaning...it WORKS!
Larch Tree Fiber
Pine Bark Extract
Aloe Vera Leaf
Nettle Leaf
Marshmallow Root
Bitter Orange
Sugar free, salt free, starch free, preservative free, no artificial colors or flavors or additives, wheat free, soy free, yeast free, no milk derivatives
Potential Benefits:
Supports normal histamine levels
Reduce inflammatory responses to non-allergen exposures
Can help the body repair leaky gut, or prevent its onset
Supports ABP1 & HNMT gene pathways
Natural Clear Hist
*** Natural Clear Hist is now called Clear Hist***
Conners Clinic Originals Natural Clear Hist / Clear Hist is a targeted blend of flavonoids, antioxidants, proteolytic enzymes and botanicals designed to provide comprehensive support for seasonal challenges caused by common environmental allergens. The formula includes quercetin, bromelain, stinging nettles leaf, and N-acetyl cysteine. The powerful combination actively promotes healthy nasal and sinus passages for individuals with elevated histamine and respiratory irritation.
Vitamin C
Quercetin Dihydrate
Stinging Nettle
Hista Clear DAO Enzyme
Conners Clinic Originals Hista Clear is a patented enzyme formula containing diamine oxidase (DAO) - the main enzyme responsible for the degradation of ingested histamine. This enzyme has been clinically tested and found to break down food-derived histamine in the digestive tract.
Our bodies are complex, and there is usually more at play than we think. What most don’t take into consideration when addressing histamine-related health issues is genetics. Whether you’re on a low histamine diet due to histamine intolerance, or simply trying to reduce high histamine foods for general health, you will benefit from understanding how your genes are related. Learn more about histamine and genetics here!
Our body has two distinct methods of clearing things that could bring it harm: our immune system kills living toxins (bacteria, virus, parasites…) and our detoxification pathways clear non-living toxins (chemicals, heavy metals, drugs…). We have one other system that sits somewhere in the middle between the immune and the detoxification systems that helps with both: the mast cells. Read more about Histamine’s Double-edge Sword in the Formation and Progression of Cancer.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
Diamine Oxidase (DAO)
NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Conners Clinic
Dental Care Gift Set
Great Stocking Stuffer at 20% Holiday Savings!
Dental Care Gift Set
You receive:
1. One Dentalcidin Oral Care System
2. Shine REmineralizing Tooth Whitening Powder
Dentalcidin Oral Care System
Discover the Dentalcidin Oral Care System – a breakthrough in oral care from Biocidin Botanicals. Powered by Biocidin® 18.
More than just toothpaste or mouthwash, this unique Two-Step Dentaceutical™ System starts in the mouth and delivers whole-body health.
Dentalcidin® professional-strength toothpaste tackles plaque, whitens teeth, and freshens breath.*
Dentalcidin® Liposomal Rinse utilizes liposomal technology for deeper activity in the periodontal area.
Both are natural, plant-based, and fluoride-free with a refreshing natural mint flavor.
Shine REmineralizing Tooth Whitening Powder
Unlike other whitening products that can actually damage enamel, the primary intent behind OraWellness Shine is to remineralize our teeth. Once we restore lost minerals, we can address the secondary focus of Shine: to gently encourage a brighter, whiter smile.
Shine combines 3 remineralization strategies to create a unique remineralization product solution the world has never seen.
The reason Shine works so well is because:
the minerals are exactly the same as the minerals our teeth are made of
the minerals are in a very bio-available form
the particle size is tiny in order to be incorporated into the tiny tubule structure of our teeth
the formula uses a unique delivery method to bring the minerals exactly to where our teeth need support
So, one reason Shine works so well to reverse tooth decay is simply that Shine makes available tiny particles of the exact mineral structure our teeth are made of available to rebuild and restore the minerals that have been lost from our teeth.
Whitening teeth is risky business because most whitening products are actually bleaching agents which can cause a loss of minerals and weaken the teeth.
Researchers found that there's one ingredient, white kaolin clay powder, that is the most effective way to whiten and clean the teeth without damaging enamel.
The good news is even staining on veneers or composite (white) fillings on front teeth can be polished whiter. These dental materials are at risk of being stained by common staining foods/drinks (coffee, tea, red wine, green smoothies, blueberries, etc).
OraWellness Shine even helps to remove stains from these dental restorations.
Microcrystalline Hydroxyapatite* (powdered bone from grass-fed New Zealand cattle), Sodium Bicarbonate, Xylitol (sourced from birch), White Kaolin Clay, Calcium Lactate (non-dairy), Magnesium Carbonate, Peppermint, Spearmint, Himalayan Salt, and Menthol.
*An animal product
How Long Will This Jar of Shine Last?
1 jar (60 grams) should last you over 200 uses.
What is the Purity?
Certified gluten free, soy free, dairy free, GMO free, rice free, fluoride free, SLS free, glycerin free.Not a vegan product. Contains animal products from pasture-based cattle from New Zealand.Pet owners, please note: Shine is NOT safe to use on our furry friends. The xylitol that it contains can be fatally dangerous to dogs, and the essential oils that it contains are not good for cats. So, please keep Shine well out of reach of pets.
For general remineralizing support, simply apply Shine to a moistened toothbrush and brush as normal.
To increase whitening benefit, focus on the front teeth when first starting to brush.
For extra remineralizing support, swish Shine around your mouth for several minutes after brushing.
NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Conners Clinic
Be Good to Your Skin Gift Set
GREAT gift idea at a 20% DISCOUNT!
Be Good to Your Skin Gift Set
You Receive:
1. One Jar of our Whipped Tallow Balm
2. One Jar of our Comfrey Salve
3. One Bottle of our Collagen Complex
Tallow Balm
Our Unscented Whipped Tallow Balm Moisturizer is the perfect choice for those wanting pure, unadulterated skincare. This all-purpose version of our tallow balm has no essential oils added (feel free to add your own!), but it has a very warm, earthy scent. If that's not your thing, try one of our scented tallows!
Tallow is gentle enough to be used on extremely dry skin and even as a diaper rash cream. This is an every day, multiple-times-a-day moisturizer for sensitive skin and has shown effectiveness in healing skin conditions like eczema due to its amazing compatibility with our skin.
Comfrey Salve
Our hand crafted Comfrey Salve is made in our own kitchen using the Comfrey grown in Dr. Conners' garden.
Comfrey, symphytum officinale, is a medicinal plant that has been used in folk medicine and widely cultivated historically in medicinal gardens due to its reputation for healing various wounds, including joint and muscle pain. It is sometimes referred to as “boneknit.”Dr. Kevin Conners has carefully and lovingly grown the Comfrey used for this salve in his herb garden using organic methods. The leaves have been hand harvested and infused in organic oil to make the comfrey oil and comfrey salve.
Sore Joints
Bone Injuries
Comfrey has been known to relieve skin problems and may provide healing effects and reduce swelling when applied to the skin, joints, and muscles. Some studies show that Comfrey also relieves pain associated with wounds and broken bones. Comfrey Leaf contains the phytochemicals Allantoin and Tannins‚ which help promote healthy skin by rejuvenating skin cells.
Organic (Hand Harvested) Comfrey Infused Oil
Organic Beeswax
Organic Refined Shea Butter
Please check ingredients listed to make sure that you have no known sensitivity to them.
BOTH of the above products are for External use only. Consuming this product may cause liver damage. This product contains Comfrey. Comfrey contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids which may cause serious illness or death. This product should not be taken orally, used as a suppository, or applied to broken skin.
Collagen Complex
Collagen Complex is a top-selling, comprehensive product that may in support of optimal collagen formation for healthy skin, joints, tendons and overall musculoskeletal health. This product features:
BioCell Collagen® is a clinically studied dietary supplement ingredient composed of naturally-occurring hydrolyzed collagen type II peptides, chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid that promotes active joints, youthful-looking skin, and healthy connective tissues. Various studies, including seven human clinical trials, support its safety, efficacy and bioavailability.
Research indicates that glucosamine may reduce oxidative stress — especially when used alongside chondroitin supplements.
Opti-MSM® is an ultra-pure, high quality MSM (methylsulfonylmethane). MSM is made up of 34% sulfur—the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body. Sulfur is an important nutrient for the maintenance of healthy joints, tendons, ligaments and other connective tissue. OptiMSM is backed by numerous pre-clinical and clinical studies for safety and efficacy.
Vitamin and mineral support from AMLA fruit, providing a potent whole-food source of vitamin C, Vitamin E and zinc in its chelated form to support optimal absorption.
A proprietary blend of herbs including boswellia, turmeric, rosemary, saw palmetto, thyme, dogwood and wintergreen.
NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Conners Clinic
Healthy Holiday Bundle
Great Stocking Stuffer at 20% Holiday Savings!
Our Healthy Holiday Bundle:
You Receive:
1. One Bottle of Clear CV
2. One Bottle of Biocidin Throat Spray
3. One Bottle of Clear Immuno Plus
Clear CV
Clear CV is a balanced blend of flavonoids and crucial vitamins and minerals that provide safe, long-term immune support for all populations without overstimulating the immune system.
Clear CV is a targeted blend of nutrients designed to provide a broad-spectrum support to the body’s immune reserves. The formula includes quercetin, a powerful bioflavonoid that aids in supporting the immune system. Vitamin C and N-acetyl cysteine are potent antioxidants that promote respiratory function and support the function of quercetin. Vitamin D and zinc are important micronutrients needed to create a robust immune reserve. This powerful combination works to promote healthy respiratory and immune function.
Vitamin D3
It has been shown that low vitamin D levels have immunologic implications with a significant decrease in immune function, affecting respiratory health.11,12,17 This is most likely because the vitamin D receptor is expressed by several immune cells including monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, B and T cells.18 Supplementation with vitamin D has been shown to modulate NK cell activity to promote a healthy innate immune response.15,19 Along with these immune-supporting benefits, vitamin D has also been shown to support the respiratory system and epithelial tight junction integrity.15,19,20,21
Zinc is essential for maintaining immune system integrity and healthy immune development.12,13,14 Supplementation with zinc supports key immune functions such as natural killer cell activity and phagocytosis by macrophages and neutrophils.15 Furthermore, studies show that zinc can directly support the body during immune system challenges and can help support healthy respiratory function.15,16
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that has been studied for many years for its immune-supporting effects. Through its antioxidant functions, vitamin C has been shown to protect important immune cells from oxidative damage.5 Data shows vitamin C is heavily concentrated in macrophages, supports lymphocyte activity, modulates cytokine release, improves endothelial function, restores mitochondrial function, and can directly support a challenged immune system.3 Of particular interest, vitamin C has been shown to recycle oxidized quercetin back to its parent compound, which supports a robust immune response while increasing the efficacy of quercetin.3,6
Quercetin is best known for its antioxidant activity in scavenging free radicals. Additionally, quercetin helps balance the level of cytokines and improve T-lymphocyte balance. Several mechanism studies highlight quercetin’s ability to provide immune system support while also stimulating the ciliary beat frequency of the nasal epithelium, aiding the excretion of respiratory mucus.1,2,3 Quercetin has been shown to block the mechanisms by which microbes enter the host cells and replicate within the body.3 Additionally, a human clinical trial found quercetin supplementation supported healthy respiratory function following a stressor (i.e., intense bout of exercise), compared to placebo.4
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
NAC is the precursor of the master antioxidant, glutathione. NAC has been shown to support mucus clearance and normal respiratory function, through its ability to cleave disulfide bonds in mucus.7,8 NAC is found to raise glutathione levels, which is important to protect the biologic activity and safe metabolism of quercetin.3,9 Along with protecting the activity of quercetin, NAC supports all detoxification pathways and helps maintain immune balance by supporting glutathione levels.10,11
2 capsules per day or as recommended by your health care professional.
Biocidin Throat Spray
Biocidin® Throat Spray brings all the effectiveness of Biocidin®.
40% Biocidin® liquid and 60% alcohol (potato).
Clinical Applications
Broad spectrum support against harmful organisms*
Supports healthy respiration and is beneficial for seasonal wellness*
Supports healthy immune function
Suggested Use
Spray 1-3 times in mouth towards back of throat (and swallow) as needed or as directed by your healthcare professional.
Do not use during pregnancy. Consult your physician before using any supplement, especially if you are nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking medication. Discontinue use should adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children.
Clear Immuno Plus
Conners Clinic Originals Clear Immuno Plus is an herbal formula that is designed to support healthy immune system function during cold and flu season. It contains herbs that support normal natural killer (NK) cell activity and the balance of cytokines, which are the regulatory proteins released by immune cells as part of a normal immune system response. The standardized herbs in this formula contain optimal and consistent amounts of the most active ingredients. Clear Immuno Plus is suitable for long term use and for all age groups.
Green Tea Extract
Astragalus Extract
Lauric Acid
Cordyceps mushroom
Shiitake mushroom
Maitake mushroom
Beta 1, 3 Glucan
Take 2-3 per day or follow recommendations from your practitioner
NOTE: All of the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.