-3% Our Price
Hedron Phone Harmonizer - 5G/EMF Blocker Hedron Equipment - Conners Clinic Hedron Phone Harmonizer - 5G/EMF Blocker Hedron Equipment - Conners Clinic
Hedron Phone Harmonizer - 5G/EMF Shield $68.00 $70.00
Electromagnetic Frequency Phone/Computer RF Shield NEW NEW NEW - 5G Protection Our Newly upgraded and enhanced 5G ELITE cell phone harmonizer features all of the same great benefits as our original cell shield with added Human Performance Technology. It is 1/3 the thickness of our original shield allowing it to fit under more cases, and it is also JUST as effective whether placed on the phone or the outside of the case.  Hedron 5G Elite Cell Shield with Human Performance Technology (HPT):  Introducing the Hedron 5G Elite Cell Phone Shield. The only technology on the market able to pass the 3rd party testing by CIEMS (California Institute Of Electronics and Materials Sciences) proven and certified to shield 99.80% of aberrant EMF by up to 9.375G.  What is Human Performance Technology (HPT)? Throughout all of our rigorous lab testing, the new 5G Elite has been found to not only harmonize EMF, but also to enhance many organs of the body when within 2 feet. We have added the DNA specific rejuvenating and repair frequency of 528 Hz along with the Schumann Resonance at 7.83Hz. Studies include blood cells, DNA, brain, eyes, overall BioField, and more, all with quantum level jumps in overall health The Hedron EMF Shield is a 1 inch by 1 inch EMF Protective Device that is placed on the back of your electronic devices to change the harmful EMF frequencies into beneficial frequencies. It is comprised of 12 specific harmonizing minerals and is ‘impregnated’ with a frequency called Scalar Energy, which matches the earth’s beneficial frequency of 7.83 Hz. This frequency is also called Schumann’s Resonance, the most highly beneficial frequency on the planet. Some people recommend that in order to escape from the harmful effects of Mobile Phone Radiation it is better to follow the following: Do not use mobile phone at all. Reduce the amount of time spent using mobile phones. Use speaker mode or a headset to place more distance between your head and Cellphone. Is it possible in this modern world to avoid or reduce the usage of cell Phones which people have become addicted to or is it possible to use speaker phone always ? Headsets keep the phone away from the Brain but a holster or belt clip just moves the radiation down to the waist. Our studies conducted on speakerphone actually show the EMF at a greater level. Our Solution After considerable research we have found out that certain earth minerals have the capability to successfully harmonize the Radiation (EMF) and reduce the heating of the mobile phones while in use. We have employed this unique mineral technology plus scalar technology in creating the most need of the hour product “ The Hedron EMF Shield ” which protects us from the harmful effects of mobile phone radiation. The Hedron EMF Shield is undoubtedly the most effective product of its kind as it does not interfere with the signal strength nor jam the calls. One can be confident that The Hedron EMF Shield when attached to the Mobile Phone can protect us from the harmful effects of Radiation based on the certificates given by the World’s renowned electronics testing laboratory and other reputed institutions. Although one cannot feel radiation directly they can definitely appreciate the reduction in heating of the ears upon using The Hedron EMF Shield as felt by many users worldwide. Since heating is because of the EMR only we can safely assume that they are indirectly feeling the reduction of EMR itself.
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Pit-Tox Detox Paste - moKo Organics Moko-Organics Supplement - Conners Clinic Pit-Tox Detox Paste - moKo Organics Moko-Organics Supplement - Conners Clinic
Pit-Tox Detox Paste - moKo Organics * $24.00
Not only will an armpit detox clean out the build-up of toxins under the arms, but it may reduce the volume and odor of your perspiration, boost the immune system and decrease your cancer risk. Commercial deodorant's long list of chemical ingredients – which include aluminum, phthalates, formaldehyde, parabens and even pesticides, is scary enough, but the concerns around putting these toxins on our skin is compounded by the belief that applying chemicals topically may actually be worse than eating them, because they enter the bloodstream without any filtering. The side effects of these chemicals include hormone disruption, cancer, Alzheimer’s, antibiotic resistant bacteria, allergies, skin irritation, weight gain, inflammatory responses, thyroid dysfunction and more! Did you know not everyone needs deodorant – a lucky few don’t actually produce any armpit odor and so don’t require deodorant – yet 75% of these people still wear it! Antiperspirants don’t work – despite being laden with chemicals, these products don’t even live up to their name. The FDA only requires that a brand reduce sweat by 20% in order to claim it provides ‘all day protection’, while ‘extra strength’ products need only cause a 30% reduction in dampness! Sweating is healthy – perhaps the most important reason to avoid antiperspirant is because our bodies need to sweat in order to stay cool, eliminate toxins and support proper immune function. After all, we’re born with between two million and four million sweat glands for a reason! The reason your sweat smells is because the bacteria living in your armpits break down lipids and amino acids found in your sweat into substances that have a distinct odor. Antiperspirants address this problem using antimicrobial agents to kill bacteria and other ingredients such as aluminum that block your sweat glands. However, separate research has revealed antiperspirants affect the bacterial balance in your armpits, leading to an even more foul-smelling sweat problem. In some cases, you MUST give yourself a month to adjust to a natural deodorant. When choosing one, check the ingredients. The most effective ones contain arrowroot or tapioca - ideally containing an absorber such as clay or charcoal. Some of the so-called natural deodorants are gel-like and contain propylene glycol - which frankly do not work. Your body is detoxifying and adjusting to a different pH which can take a while to adapt. BE PATIENT. YOUR HEALTH DEPENDS ON IT. Organic, Toxin-Free Ingredients Distilled water, bentonite clay, kaolin clay, vegetable glycerin, calendula-infused sunflower oil, coconut oil, aloe vera, matcha green tea, Vitamin E, grapefruit seed extract; cilantro, lemon myrtle, rosemary & juniper therapeutic·grade essential oils; 1% phenoxyethanol, caprylyl glycol, sorbic acid.  Directions Apply Pit-To Underarm Detox Paste with fingers to each underarm in a thin layer. Leave on for 15·20 minutes and rinse off with warm water. Use for seven days in a row. Follow with a completely·natural deodorant. CAUTION: Armpits may be red for up to an hour afterwards. This is normal and will subside. If prolonged irritation develops, discontinue use immediately. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes. Pregnant women should consult healthcare provider before use. Keep cover tightly on jar. If product dries out, add a little distilled water and stir thouroughly with a wooden popsicle stick or wooden spoon. Do do use metal spoon to stir product.
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Juce & Marula Serum Kit - moKo Organics Moko-Organics Supplement - Conners Clinic Juce & Marula Serum Kit - moKo Organics Moko-Organics Supplement - Conners Clinic
Juce & Marula Serum Kit - moKo Organics * $34.00
Why we are Juce Obsessed Few ingredients in skin care have as much solid evidence as to their effectiveness as Vitamin C. A vital element in the production of collagen, vitamin C can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles & discoloration, while offering antioxidant protection from photodamage.   Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate, a more stable and bioavailable form of Vitamin C than the commonly used L-Ascorbic Acid found in most skin care products, provides the same benefits, without the risk of oxidation and irritation that is often associated with L-Ascorbic Acid. Hyaluronic Acid applied topically, increases hydration, improves elasticity and also reverses free radical damage, so it may have some benefit in protecting from UV damage. Bonus. Hyaluronic acid is one ingredient that works across the board. Every skin type, even oily, can benefit. Ferulic Acid is a good way to slow the signs thanks to its ability to fight free radicals and slow down the aging process caused by oxidation. Because it stabilises more problematic antioxidants such as the highly-oxidative vitamin C, it actually makes other skincare ingredients work even harder and last longer. Gota Kola has been shown to be utilized as an anti-aging herb. It has the potential to reduce skin breakdown by inhibiting the activity of some of the enzymes that can normally degrade the skin. Studies in skin cells showed that gotu kola, along with vitamins A, E, and C, stimulated the cells to make collagen. Since decreases in the amount of collagen in the skin are central to skin aging, these two effects suggest that gotu kola may work as an anti-aging agent by increasing the amount of collagen in the skin. Gotu kola may also work as an effective anti-aging ingredient by protecting DNA from ultraviolet light-induced damage and reducing inflammatory cells. After 8 weeks of using a topical combination containing the herbs gotu kola, vitamin C and ferulic acid, a study found improved skin density in women. Arginine is thought to work in three ways in the skin. First, studies demonstrate that arginine is a human growth hormone (HGH) enhancer. As you age, you produce substantially less hormones, including human growth hormone, HGH has been found to increase skin thickness due to heightened activity of fibroblasts. By stimulating the body to produce more HGH, arginine may help the skin look younger.Second, arginine functions as an antioxidant. As you all know, antioxidants work by fending off free radicals before they can damage DNA. Third, arginine may simply help with hydration within the skin. There is evidence that amino acids like arginine can bind to moisture in the skin and the environment. Lastly, there is evidence that arginine may speed the healing of skin cell damage and wounds. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that may be effective at reducing UV damage in skin. And vitamin E applied topically may help nourish and protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals. Put these powerful ingredients together with natural and organic ingredients, and you will indeed become obsessed with the JUCE.
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Immunity Hand Soap - moKo Organics Moko-Organics Supplement - Conners Clinic
Immunity Hand Soap - moKo Organics * $15.00
IMMUNITY Hand Soap will boost the immune system, circulation, and respiratory system, and help protect against the flu, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, sore throats, cuts, and more. DO NOT use commercial anti-bacterial soaps containing harmful chemicals. This moisturzing germ-killing hand soap is all you and your family needs.   Ingredients Distilled water, witch hazel, liquid castille soap,  apricot oil, sunflower oil, Vitamin E, cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, lemongrass & rosemary therapeutic-grade essential oils.
-14% Our Price
Hedron Phone EMF Blocker (6-Pack) | Electromagnetic Frequency Phone/Computer RF Shield Hedron Equipment - Conners Clinic Hedron Phone EMF Blocker (6-Pack) | Electromagnetic Frequency Phone/Computer RF Shield Hedron Equipment - Conners Clinic
Hedron PHONE EMF Blocker (6-Pack) | Electromagnetic Frequency Phone/Computer RF Shield $354.00 $408.00
SAVE by buying a 6-pack: Normally $68 each, get a 6-pack for $59 each ($354 total) The Hedron EMF Shield is a 1 inch by 1 inch EMF Protective Device that is placed on the back of your electronic devices to change the harmful EMF frequencies into beneficial frequencies. It is comprised of 12 specific harmonizing minerals and is ‘impregnated’ with a frequency called Scalar Energy, which matches the earth’s beneficial frequency of 7.83 Hz. This frequency is also called Schumann’s Resonance, the most highly beneficial frequency on the planet.
Hedron EMF Blocker Home Harmonizer | Electromagnetic Frequency RF Shield Hedron Equipment - Conners Clinic Hedron EMF Blocker Home Harmonizer | Electromagnetic Frequency RF Shield Hedron Equipment - Conners Clinic
Hedron EMF Blocker HOME HARMONIZER | Electromagnetic Frequency RF Shield $284.00
With the ever growing strength of harmful EMF in our homes due to cell phone towers, WiFi, dirty electricity, Smart Meters, Geo-Magnetic Stress, and the like, we are living in a sea of impairment that is unable to be cleared from our cells. In turn, this causes a continuous downgrade in cellular function and overall health. If you’re doing a good job of detoxification, taking the right supplements for nutrition, eating well, and exercising, you will continue to fight an uphill battle for optimal health unless the EMF in and around your home and work place is HARMONIZED to benefit your body.
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Hedron Body EMF Blocker | Electromagnetic Frequency RF BODY Shield PENDANT Hedron Equipment - Conners Clinic Hedron Body EMF Blocker | Electromagnetic Frequency RF BODY Shield PENDANT Hedron Equipment - Conners Clinic
Hedron Body EMF Blocker | Electromagnetic Frequency RF BODY Shield PENDANT $66.00
With the ever growing strength of harmful EMF in our homes due to cell phone towers, WiFi, dirty electricity, Smart Meters, Geo-Magnetic Stress, and the like, we are living in a sea of impairment that is unable to be cleared from our cells. In turn, this causes a continuous downgrade in cellular function and overall health. If you’re doing a good job of detoxification, taking the right supplements for nutrition, eating well, and exercising, you will continue to fight an uphill battle for optimal health unless the EMF in and around your home and work place is HARMONIZED to benefit your body.
Thieves Essential Oil - 15ml Young Living Young Living Supplement - Conners Clinic Thieves Essential Oil - 15ml Young Living Young Living Supplement - Conners Clinic
Young Living
Thieves Essential Oil - 15ml Young Living $45.00
Thieves® essential oil is a powerful combination of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary essential oils for an aromatic blend that fills any space with a rich, spicy aroma. Inspired by the legend of four 15th-century French thieves who formulated a special aromatic combination composed of clove, rosemary, and other botanicals used while robbing the dead and dying, Thieves is one of Young Living’s most popular products. With the benefits of Thieves oil including cleaning power and an irresistibly spicy scent, Young Living offers it as an essential oil blend and as an important ingredient in a full range of home cleaning and personal care products, from dish soap to toothpaste. Looking to make your home smell as clean as it looks? Diffuse Thieves oil throughout the house for an aroma that makes every room smell more like fall baking than harsh cleaning formulas.
Thieves VITALITY Essential Oil - 5ml Young Living Young Living Supplement - Conners Clinic
Young Living
Thieves VITALITY Essential Oil - 5ml Young Living $19.00
With Thieves® Vitality™ you’ll have a quick and easy way to balance your busy life and your wellness. With Young Living’s Thieves Vitality essential oil you can support overall wellness and a healthy immune system* with just a few drops. Thieves Vitality combines Lemon, Clove, Eucalyptus Radiata, Cinnamon Bark, and Rosemary essential oils to create one of our most popular products. These ingredients synergistically combine to offer one of the key benefits of Thieves Vitality oil: overall wellness and support of a healthy immune system. Additionally, Thieves Vitality may also help support a healthy respiratory system when taken internally*. Use the sweet, spicy flavor of Thieves Vitality as an addition to your daily wellness regimen. Its constituent oils such as Clove Vitality, Lemon Vitality, and Cinnamon Vitality give a comforting seasoning to warm food and drinks. Add Tangerine Vitality or Orange Vitality essential oil to Thieves Vitality to further brighten the flavors of your favorite foods. Thieves Vitality Essential Oil Uses: Add 1–2 drops to a vegetarian gel capsule and take daily or as needed as a dietary supplement. Put a drop or a swirl of Thieves Vitality essential oil in your morning juice, tea, or coffee. The spicy, sweet flavor will also give your morning beverage a flavor boost. Add a drop to oatmeal, granola, or other cereal to elevate your breakfast. Take a shot of NingXia Red® with a drop of Thieves Vitality for a quick, spicy boost to your daily NingXia Red shot. Include a drop of Thieves Vitality in a cup of warm water or milk to add it to your wellness regimen. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. How to Use Dilute 1 drop with 4 drops of carrier oil. Put in a capsule and take 1 daily. Ingredients Clove (Syzygium aromaticum)† bud oil, Lemon (Citrus limon)† peel oil, Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum)† bark oil, Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus radiata)† leaf oil, Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)† leaf oil †100% pure, therapeutic-grade essential oil
Joy Essential Oil - 15ml Young Living Young Living Supplement - Conners Clinic
Young Living
Joy Essential Oil - 15ml Young Living $56.00
Joy™ essential oil is a blend of Young Living’s most inviting oils, formulated to invite a sense of romance, bliss, and warmth when diffused. With Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Jasmine, Palmarosa, and Rose essential oil, Joy oil has a fresh, floral aroma with notes of citrus from the essential oils of Bergamot, Lemon, and Tangerine. Joy essential oil blend is perfect for diffusing or applying topically. Members’ favorite Joy oil uses include diffusing it around the home for a pleasant, joyful aroma. Apply Joy essential oil blend topically and wear it as a fragrance to invite togetherness. You can also find Joy oil in Young Living’s popular Everyday Oils™ essential oil collection. Joy Oil Uses: Apply Joy essential oil blend to your wrists and back of neck before going out the door for a fresh floral fragrance. Place 2–3 drops on a damp cloth and throw it in the dryer to help freshen your laundry. Put a few drops in a warm bath for a spa-like experience and to enjoy its relaxing aroma. Diffuse it to bring an environment of joy throughout your home that is perfect for family gatherings and celebrations. How to Use Topical: Apply 2-4 drops directly to desired area. Dilution not required, except for the most sensitive skin. Use as needed. Aromatic: Diffuse up to 1 hour 3 times daily. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. For external use only. Keep away from eyes and mucous membranes. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health professional prior to use. Avoid direct sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying product. Ingredients Citrus aurantium bergamia† (Bergamot) peel oil (Furocoumarin-free), Cananga odorata† (Ylang ylang) flower oil, Pelargonium graveolens† (Geranium) flower oil, Citrus limon† (Lemon) peel oil, Coriandrum sativum† (Coriander) seed oil, Citrus reticulata† (Tangerine) peel oil, Jasminum officinale* (Jasmine) oil, Anthemis nobilis† (Roman chamomile) flower oil, Cymbopogon martini† (Palmarosa) oil, Rosa damascena† (Rose) flower oil †100% pure, therapeutic-grade essential oil *100% pure absolute
Lavender Vitality Essential Oil - 5ml Young Living Young Living Supplement - Conners Clinic
Young Living
Lavender Vitality Essential Oil - 5ml Young Living $15.00
Use Young Living Lavender Vitality essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia) to create elegant dishes that will impress your family and friends. The herb has a sweet, slightly floral flavor that pairs well with both rich and light foods. Use Lavender Vitality™ essential oil to conveniently add this delightful flavor to your meals. Although more popular with sweeter recipes, Lavender Vitality oil’s benefits extend to savory dishes as well. In fact, lavender is sometimes included in the famous Herbes de Provence along with spices such as marjoram, thyme, oregano, and rosemary. Put a new spin on a classic meal and pair it with chicken, lamb, or even potatoes. Just a hint can enhance the flavor of your entire recipe. To avoid overwhelming your food, start small. Try dipping a toothpick in your oil and then swirling the toothpick in your food preparations. Lavender Vitality Essential Oil Uses: Make homemade fruit jams infused with Lavender Vitality essential oil. Try mixing it with blueberry, apricot, raspberry, or peach jams and jellies. Combine Lavender Vitality’s earthy, low notes with bright citrus flavors. Experiment with lavender-lemonade or a citrus sorbet. Complement dairy with Lavender Vitality in shortbread, pound cake, ice cream, meringue, or whipped cream recipes. Balance Lavender Vitality in savory dishes with herbs such as thyme, rosemary, and oregano.
Lavender Essential Oil - 15ml Young Living Young Living Supplement - Conners Clinic
Young Living
Lavender Essential Oil - 15ml Young Living $32.00
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) has a scent that’s a wonderful blend of fresh, floral, clean, and calm. It’s this dynamic aroma that has made the flower a classic for perfumes, soaps, fresheners, and beauty products. As one of our most popular products, Lavender oil is a great beginner oil and a must for every home. Lavender essential oil isn’t just a favorite because of its classic scent—it’s also highly versatile. From skin care products to relaxing routines, this oil can infuse many areas of your life. You can find Young Living Lavender oil in blends such as Stress Away™, Harmony™, RutaVaLa™, Tranquil™, and Forgiveness™.  Lavender Essential Oil Uses: Treat yourself to this well-loved aroma by adding a few drops of oil to lotions, shampoos, and skin care products. Create a spa-like retreat by combining 1 cup Epsom salt and 4 drops oil and adding to a hot bath. Make a basic homemade body scrub with coconut oil, sugar, and Lavender essential oil. Unwind with a Lavender-infused neck or back massage. Use Lavender as part of your evening routine. Rub oil on the bottom of your feet before bed or spritz your pillow with distilled water and Lavender mixed in a spray bottle. Create a DIY room freshener with Lavender or diffuse it to banish stale odors. How to Use Topical: Apply 2–4 drops directly to desired area. Dilution not required, except for the most sensitive skin. Use as needed. Aromatic: Diffuse up to 1 hour 3 times daily Caution: Keep out of the reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health professional prior to use. For external use only. Keep away from eyes and mucous membranes. Storage: Keep in a cool, dark place. Ingredients Lavandula angustifolia† (Lavender) oil † 100% pure, therapeutic-grade essential oil
Clove VITALITY Essential Oil - 5ml Young Living Young Living Supplement - Conners Clinic
Young Living
Clove VITALITY Essential Oil - 5ml Young Living $15.00
Clove Vitality Essential Oils Uses: Support your healthy immune system* every day or as needed by adding a drop of Clove Vitality to a vegetarian capsule and taking as a daily dietary supplement. Substitute Clove Vitality for the ground spice in recipes. Bring gingerbread, molasses cookies, and spice cake to life by adding a drop to the batter. Combine Clove Vitality with the Vitality oils Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, and Nutmeg in homemade cider or wassail recipes. Try adding a drop of Clove Vitality to a warm bowl of oatmeal for a tasty, comforting start to your day.
Vetiver Essential Oil - 5ml Young Living Young Living Supplement - Conners Clinic
Young Living
Vetiver Essential Oil - 5ml Young Living $27.00
Vetiver essential oil’s aroma is earthy, eclectic, and exotic. It originates from a perennial grass native to the tropical regions in Asia. Because Vetiver is produced from the steam distillation of the plant’s root, the oil has a woodsy scent. It was used in ancient times, and the oil’s popularity still exists as an ingredient in colognes and fragrances—especially for men—as well as in soaps and moisturizers. Vetiver is great to diffuse in work and study areas because its diverse aroma helps create an uplifting environment. Due to its viscosity, we recommend diluting Vetiver with a carrier oil.

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